Is it legal?
GuestToday i downloaded the Bizzl eng version of stranded 2. I haved some problems, i change it a bit, and i getted something.. some like ,,new" version

- 0.024 support ( ! )
- English version by Bizzl
- Random Map work 100%
- You start with Stranded.exe not StrandedEN.bat

My question: Is it legal to public it ( uncommercial ) ? I used:
- Original 0.024 game.sys ( no changes )
- Original Randoms ( a bit changed, but this changes are unecessary, so it can be original )
- Bizzl version of stranded.exe
- Some time

PS: I can public it if i get :
- Answer from a admin that this version is legal
- Bizzl permission.
PS2: Sorry for bad english
I wait for answers!