I play CS2D with new version and I'm using Windows 8, when I Edit all program in CS2D There's no Error or Bug if I play online there's no lag
You gonna try this one I like windows 8...
Windows 8 dont change nothing in your cs2d gameplay. if is w8, w7 or wxp that will dont change the lag...
I have windows 8 too (genuine).
For me the difference about w7 and w8 is the start menu, no more.
If your CS2D runs better on Win 8 then this is probably simply caused by the fresh system installation with new/other video card drivers and probably less background processes and less malware.
I play CS2D with new version and I'm using Windows 8, when I Edit all program in CS2D There's no Error or Bug if I play online there's no lag
You gonna try this one I like windows 8...
Or you bought new computer, with windows 8 installed, and you think cs2d runs faster just because it's windows 8. lolz.
Windows 8 sucks? Why? Windows 8 is the best. You can have it on mobile (with metro start) or on computer (with normal start). Also you can connect your computer with microsoft for better protection (if who stole your computer or something). I don't know why most of the people says that windows 8 sucks.. The only one problem here is that older games and programs don't support win 8.