
How to create an online server?
19 replies

All you need is an opened 36963 UDP port on your router. Then you can play with everyone.

How to make a online server?
General section
On topic:
Hosting is not for newbies, you should learn port forward and these things, otherwise no one will be able to help.
I own a server but im not opening it alot, PM me if your intrested for me to open a server for you BUT i may NOT accept, and also server is not 100% perfect, ill tell you whats wrong if you accepted. BTW also not 24/7

Im still having trouble. Dedicated i dont understand how you choose the maps and everything. also my server doesnt show up. Is it just run the server there it goes. What else do you have to do. Becuase im getting confused with ip address and port.

Don't you know what are IP adress and port? Are you confused with them? Be sure, your dedicated server version is up to date.

As I said:
There's no difference between the both servers
You can play with both, other will find both servers on the list.
2. Most routers are pre-forwarded (If it's not please google "How to portforward a router"
3. Select ingame on NET in options, write the local port as:36963
4. In the "sys" file on your cs2d file there should be server.cfg, there you can choose maps that you have in your maps file and select bots, rcon users, set recon, etc.
5. Once you have that set up, download the cs2d dedicated for windows (idk the tutorial for linux but it's similar.)
6. Run the cs2d dedicated and wait a few seconds, it should say "Request to add to server list" "Added/Updated".
7. Once you have the cs2d dedicated running, run cs2d (make sure it was closed when you were running dedicated.exe), and it should show up on "LAN" tab, but try to see through the masterserver list "INTERNET".
-If this doesn't work allow the dedicated.exe on your firewall (asked me on my first try), then re-run the dedicated with your cs2d game closed, then check again!
Sorry if this tutorial doesn't help, if it's not your firewall, it's that your router isn't port forwarded.

Why do you need you need to check port? If you keep the port thing as the default one.
Sorry i can't understand what you mean by "Check port"
but i think this works only if you have a static IP
PS. static= an IP that doesn't change every period of time

to check if your port is opend, open any port checker site, for example:
but i think this works only if you have a static IP
PS. static= an IP that doesn't change every period of time
but i think this works only if you have a static IP
PS. static= an IP that doesn't change every period of time
Almost everyone who uses a router has a dynamic IP. "" works on both, static and dynamic IP addresses.
edited 1×, last 12.08.12 03:38:25 pm
Step2. Copy that to your Cs2D folder!
Step3. Go to==>sys==>server.cfg, open it
Step4. Edit the sv_name to server name and down more settings.
Step5. Edit the sv_rconusers to your usgn or simply
remove it!
Step5/1. sv_rcon "YOUR PASSWORD"
Step6. Start dedicated.exe
Step7. Enjoy!!!11!!1
If you want to change settings, go to the server, open console and type:

Like: rcon mp_maptransfer 0
You need to type "rcon" before write the commands.
I hope this helped.
1. They suck
2. ...because they show wrong results. ALWAYS.
Download one of the oldier versions of PFPortChecker: (working version here)
Then check the 36963 UDP PORT! If it's open, then you can host without further headache, just use that port.
1. Try to DEACTIVATE completely ALL firewalls/antiviruses (Windows shitty firewall incl.)
If that won't help, you must open that port on your router.
I might help you here, if you won't be lazy and will download TeamViewer and let me help you. But in this case you have to know the password from your router.
PM me then.
edited 1×, last 24.05.19 08:30:05 pm