Server timeouts
Server timeouts
13 replies Hey all, I'm made my server and i don't see him in server list and when i try to connect it with ip waiting a few seconds then say server timeout. Then i tryed with brother's pc to find it but isn't in server list too and with connect with ip say the same timeout. Please help me, im just want to know what is problem and how to fix it.
I make all like writte on FAQ for decitaced servers.
thanks! Check the router configuration or the firewall settings. I set the lan to 0, its off. and firewall too DC Admin
DC: can tell me how to fix then?
DC Admin
hm, im read it and i don't find nothing for router
i will try again Because every router is different. I found on FAQ about routers but i dont understand what i must to do for fix this problem with routers. You should do port forwarding. Your search entry would look like this - "how to port forward [put your router model here]". Better for you to use any portforwarding program. Google that. Ri0T, your skype/teamspeak3 whatever. I will do that