
### Beta - 29.02.2012
This is the first update which is also distributed over the
new auto-update function. Please note that this function is
only available for Windows clients.
Crash when tabbing through textfields
Editor hotkeys were active while using textfields
Info_NoFow did not work on all maps
Bots no longer try to attack you with bomb in hands
Bots ignored radio commands
Effect command particle amount was always at least 100
removed pointless transfer debug messages
Server player was able to commit suicide when already dead
Trouble with wrong "precon auth" errors after mapchanges
Encoding problems with special characters in serverstats.html
Vulnerability that allowed to use buttons that were too far away
Tooltip for unreachable (red) servers showed an empty box
Executing "disconnect" as client in-game crashed the game
Lua object(id,"team") returned a boolean instead of an integer
Decals were not displayed on map export images
Decals were not moved when moving the whole map in the map editor
Not all existing decal frames were available for use
Super supply menu option 9 did not work
Explosion sprites were rendered wrong sometimes
Attempt to equip certain items gave error message about strip
Lua inentityzone now works properly with teamgates
"temp" was displayed as map name after downloading a map temporarily
It was possible to see through fog of war as spectator by pressing CTRL
Breakable/DynWall transparency floating point precision bug in editor
"Game Commencing"-restart occured with 1 player who is alive already
Rotating sprites where not displayed correctly on map export images
Portal gun didn't perform attack/attack2 Lua hook
Game allowed to join when a client failed to save the downloaded map
There was no muzzle flash in burst mode (Glock/Famas)
Rotation setting was visible for Env_Image (doesn't support rotation)
Editor entity arrangement issues (re-arranged other entities)
Map image export rendered background image wrong (now w/o bg image)
Connection setting is now "fast" by default
U.S.G.N. login is now always checked before joining
Command mapshadows now allows values from 0 to 4 (new shadow engine)
NET errors will only be displayed in console when debbuging is on
Serverlist is now much bigger
Filters are applied to the Internet serverlist only
Maximum flash duration slightly decreased
Hostage spead increased
Only players who are alive are allowed to perform name changes
You can only join a running round if nobody has been killed in it
Explosions will automatically have less details when there are many
Explosions are now brighter
Slightly improved particle and effect performance
Planted lasermine images can be changed now (lasermine_planted.bmp)
Less molotov particles, even less with lower particle settings
Less gas grenade particles with lower particle settings
Projectiles of a player are now removed on team change / leave
Dropped CTF flags will be returned automatically after 10 secs
Command sv_checkusgnlogin (always check login?)
Command sv_rconusers (list of users that are allowed to use RCon)
Command shadowz_wall (wall shadow length)
Command shadowz_obstacle (obstacle shadow length)
Command shadowshade_wall (wall shadow shade effect)
Command shadowshade_obstacle (obstacle shadow shade effect)
Command shadow_angle (sun/shadow angle)
Command shadow_frameskipping (light/shadow rendering frame skipping)
Command mp_hud (enable/disable certain HUD elements)
Command mp_buymenu (custom buy menu)
Command mp_flashlight (allow flashlights on server?)
Command flashlight (turn flashlight on/off)
Command win (switch between full-screen and windowed mode)
Command cmsg (send console message to all or certain player)
Command triggerposition (trigger entity at certain position)
Command language (change the game language)
Lua Command entitylist (get list with entity positions)
Lua Hook flashlight (when flashlight is turned on or off)
(, ) and | can be escaped with preceding \\ in Lua menu command
Lua image command can display map tiles and other game graphics
Player parameter for Lua break hook
Enhanced in-game chat flood protection with auto-kick
serverstats.html now has a CS2D favicon
Light/shadow engine by BlazingEyed (see video options, off by default)
The language can now be changed (external language files@sys/language)
Env_Room entity for light/shadow engine
Env_Light entity for light/shadow engine
Env_LightStripe entity for light/shadow engine
Info_NoWeather entity (disable weather effect in certain area)
Flashlights (turn on and off with F)
Some additional loading screens for certain editor actions
Serverlist now saves the server name as well (for website serverlist)
Serverlist now has a "recently joined" tab with 20 latest servers
Serverlist refresh countdown is visible in refresh button
Serverlist now has a "game mode" column
Browser launch compatibility (allow to join over cs2d://ip:port URIs)
"-realport" commandline parameter (use port from settings for list entry)
"-rconlua" commandline parameter (allow Lua script execution via RCon)
Gas Mask (non-buyable protection against gas grenades, id 60)
Several new Info_TeamGate entity options
Info_NPC now performs trigger whenever an NPC from it is killed
Info_TeamGate now performs trigger when it kills someone
Trigger_Use now has a re-use delay option
Warning message when saving map without spawnpoints (Info_T/Info_CT)
Checkbox in graphics options menu to switch to window/full-screen
Editor displays depth of an entity at the bottom (for arrangement)
Editor got simple tile blending tool to make tile blending easier
Ban reason parameter for banip/banname/banusgn
Translation. Most parts of the game can now be translated
Satchel Charge (remote controlled explosives)
M134 machine gun (by FaqAp)
FN F2000 rifle (by FaqAp)
Some new user created maps from the file archive

new auto-update function. Please note that this function is
only available for Windows clients.