
how to make objects loadmap
7 replies

or paly along with the numbers, but if you want only to keep your items, replace 1s with 0s except for the second 1

loadmap 1,1,1,1;
or paly along with the numbers, but if you want only to keep your items, replace 1s with 0s except for the second 1
or paly along with the numbers, but if you want only to keep your items, replace 1s with 0s except for the second 1
thankyou a heap hudjan...
ok one more thing (last one i promise)
how do i make a script so when my character goes off a spesific map side that map loads a spesific map
it loads the boundry your closest too...
if (getx("unit",1)<0) { loadmap ...; } if (getz("unit",1)<0) { loadmap ...; } if (getx("unit",1)>mapsize()) { loadmap ...; } if (getz("unit",1)>mapsize()) { loadmap ...; }
you probably have to multiply mapsize() with some value to make it work properly. I'm not sure. don't want to try it. or you could simply test it (print the return values of getx and getz to the console when reaching the end of the map) and insert these values instead of mapsize()