Hello, im MimiICk, just recently joined these forums after finding stranded 2, it seems to be a very modable game and im interested in further expanding what i know about scripting for stranded 2.
I've figured out how to add items, item combi's, buildings, building unlocks/materials required, units, unit info, unit/building texture's, Random map creator/spawns and playerinfo/spawninfo.
There is a few things i cant figure out though and would like help with,
first thing being,
- how to make my diary work on spawn?.
I have been using alot of pre-made code from the game, and when i made my game mode, i added a ;stdiary on spawn, but it wont pop up on spawn.
- What programs can i use to open the models in the gfx fle?
I want to be able to change the model of a unit, rather han changing the icons.
- How do i make friendly or "tamed" units attack an enemy?
I have noticed that a tamed unit wll only follow you, i want to know if i can make them attack my enemies.
They are my 3 main concerns.
If someone could get back to me with a respone it would be appreciated.
Regards MimiICk