I search a Script who made this :
When a player say "!usgn ID" (Replace ID by the number in Server) a message apear for this player and say "*Name of player* is login in *USGN*"
I don't know if it's possible.
Thanks you so much.
counter={} function initArray(m) local array = {} for i = 1, m do array[i]=0 end return array end counter=initArray(32) counter={} function initArray(m) local array = {} for i = 1, m do array[i]=0 end return array end counter=initArray(32) addhook("team","hhspawn") function hhspawn(id) if player(id,"team")==2 then if player(id,'usgn') == usgn then end end end addhook("say","hhsecond") function hhsecond(id,txt) 	if(txt=="!usgnid") then 	parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 1 "©000255000Your Usgn Id is : '..player(id,"usgn")..' " 5 280') 	end end
counter={} function initArray(m) local array = {} for i = 1, m do array[i]=0 end return array end counter=initArray(32)
addhook("team","hhspawn") function hhspawn(id) if player(id,"team")==2 then if player(id,'usgn') == usgn then end end end
addhook("say","hhsecond") function hhsecond(id,txt) if(txt=="!usgnid") then parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 1 "©000255000Your Usgn Id is: '..player(id,"usgn")..' " 5 280') end end
addhook("say","showusgn") function showusgn(id, txt) if txt:lower():sub(1, 5) == "!usgn" then local PlayerUSGN = tonumber(txt:sub(6)) if player(PlayerUSGN, "exists") then parse('sv_msg2 '..id..' "©000255000'..player(id,"name")..' USGN : '..player(id,"usgn")..' " 5 280') 		 else parse('sv_msg2 '..id..' "©255000000Player dont exist ! " 5 280') end end end