Textured them, meaning you imported the image into your model maker, and fitted it to your model...
The image file, (unless I'm mistaken) MUST be in the same folder as the model, or else the model won't be textured, just take the image you had textured the model with, copy it to the folder, with the EXACT same name that it had when you used it on the model...
By the way, stranded 2 also runs 3ds files, and almost every model maker uses 3ds exporters.
I`m succesfully added jeep.b3d to stranded 2 editor. But it white w/o textures. I`m find jeep.mdl and export textures (jeep.bmp) to mods/stranded2/gfx/
Now I got jeep.b3d file and jeep.bmp file. How to connect them?