I am using Java because the Object-Oriented approach to programming is 'superior' to the data oriented one (C++ over C) in that it becomes far easier to define multiple similar objects rather than redefining everything every time you make something new. So, in Stranded II each new 'type' of tree had to copy everything from the previous 'type' of tree; in jStranded if tree (a) and tree (b) have everything in common except for the graphical model, all that needs to be defined is the model itself.
Once I get to the point of having a usable world, something close enough to the original Stranded II, I will also create an XML format that will allow people to easily extend or override 'hard coded' objects. I will use XML because it is already clearly defined, and it is fairly easy to use:
<object><name>Tree</name><model>some location</model> (etc.) </object>
I am using jMonkeyEngine3 as the game engine, an engine that is currently in development, and open source. This is the first time I've used something like this, much less the engine itself, so I have to learn it... The majority of the time that I'll be putting into this will be just figuring out the engine, while putting in the pieces from Stranded II in will be much shorter.
I hope to put everything from Stranded II (original), and from MassiveMod into jStranded. Things will not necessarily be exactly the same as the originals, but will hopefully be at least as good as... Then I will begin adding my own concepts.
As I progress I hope to update this post, and once I'm satisfied that it is playable I'll post a compressed copy of the *.jar file.
While I do not wish to sound arrogant, but for the most part I probably won't need help coding this program. However I will probably periodically ask for help or assistance on something. An example of that which I can give right now is this: the models used by Stranded II are Blitz3D (*.b3d) and the models usable by jMonkeyEngine are (*.obj) and Ogre mesh.xml (*.mesh.xml). I have looked for a way of converting from a to b (*.b3d to *.mesh.xml) but have yet to find a one step method.
Any questions or comments are welcome, and I will try to answer them as quickly as I can.
EDIT (2/24/11): So, I've been using jMonkeyEngine as the game engine thus far, but recently I realized that instead of using my Christmas money (and some that I had since before) to upgrade my computer parts, I could actually buy a 'professional' game creation program. I've looked up ones online but it's rare to see Java game engines, let alone 'professional' and 'for profit' ones.
So, does anyone know of any?
END (2/24/11);
Also, NOTE: I will modify this post in preference to making new ones when possible. If necessary I will reply directly rather than editing here, but in the case of new information I will make a link here to that post.
edited 1×, last 24.02.11 03:11:32 pm