Status: Halted (Need to Get my Files onto my new COMP)
Stranded II Gold is a expansion/update mod for Stranded 2 in which the game is revamped
with useful things and things that will make it harder,longer and even more entertaining than
the original. The goal of this mod is to enhance the Stranded 2 gameplay it will include a new
adventure that will play more like a rpg less than a story so the playing will never end (Note:
you will still be-able to play the normal S2 Adventure mode). This will have a modified
executable and have a new launcher. The new launcher is still in development and no
executable changes have been established.
Currently no news
Stranded II Gold v0.1.0.8:
Extra Notes:
This mod has been worked on for quite some time now before ever entering these fourms
its still no where near finished. This will have gold versions (Past v1.0.0.0). Note that you are allowed to suggest anything you would like to suggest about/for the mod i will read it. This is not a clean copy of S2 Aka Gold this is just an expansion that happens to be named something Similar.
edited 13×, last 01.09.10 06:32:44 am