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English I had to say this...

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closed moved I had to say this...

User Off Offline

I know you don't take suggestions, DC, but this really is important.

Before CS2D max, you could aim right on a person even with 200 ping.

Thats not the case now....

You have to aim off a square. That's harder to do.

Did you have a reason for changing this?

I'm sorry but i think it is totally absurd.

I have friends who live in the Oceania region, who aren't as good as they could. Becuase of this.

Thank you for your time.

old Re: I had to say this...

User Off Offline

1) "I had to say this" is a stupid title.

2) Please check your internet option, and close all your torrent stuff, it may cause problem of this.

3) CS2D 1.8 is not going to be released yet, will DC release the new version because of this only problem?

4) If you hate the problem then use the precious version of CS2D, tell him that you play with him with that.

there is so much way to solve a problem, why won't you think before making this thread?
edited 2×, last 15.03.10 02:18:47 am

old Re: I had to say this...

User Off Offline

its just a lag problem i think, theres probably not much DC can do about it. I have similar problem, it sucks but, i guess you just have to live with it.

old Re: I had to say this...

Admin On Online

all suggestions are important. still no reason to ignore what I said.

I had to move this to the trash and give you a spam violation because the title is so SUPER stupid and says NOTHING about your thread (I would not have done that if you had selected a proper title..)

The "problem" is known. however I wouldn't suggest to play with a ping higher than 100 anyway. you have no chance against a player with the same skill that has a good ping (~40 - ~100) - even if there wouldn't be this aiming issue.
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