Stranded II
Random Island
Random Island
5 replies I was wondering if there was a text file that holds the information on how large the random islands can be?
I haven't been able to find a realistic modded map and don't exactly want to mod my own map due to me being lazy and was wondering if I could change a variable in some text file (int.txt comes to mind for some games) that changes how large the island is.
If anyone has information or knows how to do this then kudos and thanks a lot!
EDIT> OK after looking around I found a text file named random_02_endless_n
I believe the size part of when creating a random island on normal is this part:
on:preload {
// Set Startpoint in Sea
setpos "info",$id,"self",2,"self";
// Random Startscriptstuff
extendscript 0,0,"sys/scripts/random_start.s2s";
Would changing any of this affect the map to still have random stuff all over it however the landmass is a lot larger then the biggest setting there is so far? Wouldn't change map size. Imo, the largest random map size is HUGE. The mapsize is written in the source code. McLeaf works on an inofficial patch for s2 where you can play in bigger maps (1024*1024 and as far as I know 4096*4096) I searched around for this and found MC Leaf but cannot find the patch.
Is it in English and if you have a link for it I would much appreciate it :D. The patch is not released yet. It seems like it will be a huge patch
I hope McLeaf will relase it for the english ones here too, but I think if not, we can translate it for you. I'm curious as to where the patch is even being discussed. I was going to work on one myself, but when I heard about McLeaf I put that on pause.
Can we get a link or something?