Next Version (DC)
Next Version (DC)
9 replies Warning this is only a question to DC!!!
Umm... when will the next version be coming out.
And do you take recomendations for future versions.
If so i have a lot of very reasonable additions that would be nice...
Plz think about it.
And also how do you upload pictures in your sig,,,
I promise i wont breack rules!!! but you broke an inofficial rule... you broke the rule NOT to ask DC for the release date of future versions.
DC NEVER knows when he releases.
@ uploading pictures:
you need to upload them at another webspace and then use them with IMG PATH where you uploaded it. most easy way: upload at and then, there is the BB code. copy it and paste in your signature THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAA !!!
this is not good here.
DC will close it
Lee Moderator
Read the Forum Faq, you've broken 2 rules with this thread
1) IF you need to discuss anything with only one person, use the PM function.
2) NEVER ask when the next version will be released. i never asked for any of y'alls comments any way... and leegao, GOOD 4 U!!!
dang nub, i wanted DC to talk to me...
He would have told these thing i dident know without all the criticizem
and MR_Rinde i get that everywere i go lol For future reference, if you don't know something, read the rules.
There is actually some useful information in there.
And if you just wanted DC to talk with you, PM him.
~Klip I did read the rules!!! i just dident see this part,
And thank you TheKilledDeath Then you didn't read them carefully enough.
Also, I that's common sense, why do you think there es a private messaging system, if not for beeing used when asking persons directly?