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25 comments3.36 mb, 462 Downloads

old de_overpass

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Created by user flexer
Tested by user vtx
Special thanks to user flexer, user vtx
edited 26×, last 26.06.21 09:38:26 pm
Approved by BcY

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@user Mami Tomoe: and @user The Dark Shadow:, I can agree with you.

Especially with this:
you better shut up and stop defending your russian friend

Because it seems to be that some Russians made their own community when they participate in "like for like mutually" or something like this. I mean not only this file, but more shitty uploads, they often receive some thumbs up by Russians if they're by Russians.

One of the bad things on this map is its' tiles and sprites. They require some more randomization than just rotating. Also the tile blender tool is barely used here.

Sprites require more shadows, and they are repeating so often. They look poorly resized.

Also you need to use Env_Room more often, this is a really good entity.


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LOAD RES.: failed to load image 'gfx/overpass/2.png'
LOAD RES.: failed to load image 'gfx/overpass/truck/pricepniz.png'

These 2 files have got more than 250 kb and CS2D by default accept all files with less size... Did you try compress PNG? Most online tools can do it without lossing quality.
I like it!


The Dark Shadow
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@user StirlizZ-Fapicon: Excuse me? Nobody told me anything. I never had one. You're probably talking about someone else.

aren't ya on drugs btw? what you took? cocaine?

dead, bad memory you have bro


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@user The Dark Shadow: you deleted your file just because some random person from web told you it bad? Pathetic.
I like it!


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Seems nice!
I like it!


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Nice map, but you can do better.
A map that differs from the gray mass of corridor maps without sprites.
I like it!


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look nice
I like it!


Mami Tomoe
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The map looks much better now, but I would suggest fixing the tiles that have black borders on their left/right sides.

Also, you should really add more camping/cover spots, especially on the left side of the map.

EDIT: My dude, you updated your map once, and the thread was updated 25 times?
If you're bumping your thread, it's not a good idea.
edited 1×, last 11.06.21 12:28:53 am


User Off Offline

nice map.

but, maybe you can improve this beautiful map even more.
I like it!


User Off Offline

What a shit map dude omg. Dont download have virus
edited 2×, last 19.06.21 12:25:06 pm


Mami Tomoe
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I think people here are blind, I haven't insulted any person nor object.

I said the truth, and if the truth hurts, then you might need to reconsider opening your browser and going online next time.

The map is bad, that is what I said, and I don't see a problem with saying that.

I even went futher and explained what is bad about it, I haven't a clue on what you're all going on about.

I will also suggest not judging people by their online profiles, as they show little to nothing about the person behind the profile.

I hope the moderators will take action and cleanse this poor page.


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@user The Dark Shadow: Watch your language young man, Stlirlizz explained well and I agree with him. @user Mami Tomoe: did not provide such a nice toned critism, rather insulted him on the ground. Instead of being a jerk, simply tell him what is wrong, you don't have to rate or express the way people get demoviated from people like you.

Everybody started off somewhere, don't start to lie that you were alread pro mapper in the first place.

Stirlizz actually came up with good ideas, unlike your profile which has zero reputation, even your name tells how bad you are.


Nice try, but as people said, you will want to compress your upload and improve your tileset.
I like it!


The Dark Shadow
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@user flexer: The file quality is so bad, you are a toxic and stupid kid. The map also already exists and 10 times is better than this one.

@user StirlizZ-Fapicon: You never succeeded in your life not for once even, so you better shut up and stop defending your russian friend. Keep coming up with your stupid non-sense projects/ideas like CS2D mobile in emulator with 3 fps that never succeeded or successes. Stop wasting our time and get a fucking real job.

By the way, the the anime joke is cool


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@user Mami Tomoe: put your critisim in more acceptable form, you mostly insulting him

@user flexer: suggesting you to use only png sprites and optimize it with website, this will decrease your file size from 4mb to 500-700kb I think.

Also don`t consider @user Mami Tomoe:`s opinion so strongly since he have an anime avatar what means his opinion doesn`t matter at all.
I like it!


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novA and I just made a much better de_overpass. But we decided to not share it here, if you want to check it out stay tuned at our Discord server.

old insulted my map

BANNED Off Offline

he just insulted me as map creator and my map. this is unacceptable. this two commentaries down looks like trashtalk
mods/admins pls do something with this guy.


Mami Tomoe
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This is just sad:

I'm apparently not allowed to express my opinion, which isn't even that harsh.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Upon further inspection, you didn't even bother to compress your files, now I'm sure nobody is going to play on it.
Unless they like to download 5 MB of files before joining the server.

Problems with your file:
Your attitude towards negative feedback.
Tiles are bad.
Sprites are bad.
Design is lacking spots to take cover.
File is above 1 MB in size, it even has an image sized 1 MB!

Overall rating: 3/10
You tried.
edited 3×, last 08.06.21 11:50:08 pm
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