I'm presenting a new script, that is, critical hits/strike. If you don't know what a critical hit/strike is, do you even into games br0? Basically, a critical hit/strike is a hit that deals massively more damage than a normal one upon a particular criterion and formula.
I was capable of finishing the script 2 days ago, but unfortunately time was not with my side (f u c c T i m e) and errors kept occurring repetitively.
Also, the code has every bit of it commented so, hopefully, there will not be anything vague.

It's very unambiguous and explicitly clear to comprehend.
The raw damage of a bullet multiplied by the sum of the base critical multiplier and the lucky critical addition subtracted by the armor reduction, is conserved in a variable and added to the main damage, that is, the bullet's damage.
For instance, you are carrying a USP that deals 12 damage. So the critical hit/strike damage would be as follows:
12 * ((1.5 + 0.5) - 0.5)
Where 1.5 (150%) is the base critical multiplier, 0.5 (50%, assuming it is randomly 50%) is the lucky critical addition and the second 0.5 is the armor reduction (the armor of the player, assuming he has 50% armor). So we would end up with 18 damage, adding 18 to the main damage (12) equals 30.
By the way, if the player has armor the damage of the critical hit/strike will be apportioned to the health by 60% and to the armor by 40%.

You can use, edit and maintain the file. You can also upload the file to other websites with the consultation of me.

I would thank @

If you found any bugs or you have suggestions to suggest, feel free to post them down below. Thanks!
edited 1×, last 24.08.17 10:30:17 am
Approved by Yates
179 kb, 549 Downloads