It's annoying when someone spamming / flooding on the game isn't it? So, i try to make a system which not allow spams or floods. There's also feature list.
Features Anti drop-item flood.
You are allowed to attach or plug into your own script.
You are allowed to play it on your own server.
You are allowed to share it with my permission.
You are allowed to edit the configuration only.
You are allowed to edit all with my permission.
You are not allowed to claim it as yourself.
Please tag me if you attach this in your own script.
Change logs
Known bugs
What's new in next version?
I'll keep trying solve this one : anti uppercase letters.
First step : Download this script.
Second step : Extract .zip file into your CS2D file.
Last step : Play with sv_luaserver
P.S.: This file archive will be edited much times.
P.P.S.: If you don't understand, sorry for my English.
P.P.P.S.: If you found any bugs, please report it to me with comment in this file archive, any reports is my pleasure.
edited 6×, last 27.11.16 04:44:57 am
Approved by GeoB99
3 kb, 449 Downloads