I've made another small gamemode. It's based on NPCs survival and classic deathmatch. Players kill each other or they can team up against the others(what makes me feel like playing DayZ a little). I made it as editable as I could, so you have 22 options that you can change to modify the gameplay.
can be played on any map;
maany customisable settings;
day & night cycle included - NPCs spawn more often at night and in higher amount, screen is darker during the night;
randomly spawned NPCs, bandages and ammo;
random weapon from the list on spawn;
pseudo-hunger feature - you have to collect bandages to survive, otherwise you will starve(based on HP - you will regularly lose 1HP);
buying is disabled
if fog of war is enabled, at spawn you will get a flare;
some random items will appear on the map (scout, flamethrower, grenades and other)
Enjoy and leave your comments below.
edited 2×, last 19.01.15 10:46:37 pm
Approved by EngiN33R
3 kb, 575 Downloads