[BcY] FY_Snow_OrangeBcY Reviewer Offline 19.11.12 08:48:00 pm fy_snow_orange Fight Yard Map A fun map : completely converted from CS:1.6 : Shadows You can edit it. (ask it first if you want) You can use it on your server. Dont change the map name. Dont say it yours. Credits: @ BaDgEr 's shadow sprites. @ SQ 's tileset. edited 8×, last 20.11.12 08:39:41 pm Approved by Seekay (06.12.15 05:42 pm) Download 373 kb, 462 Downloads
BcY Reviewer Offline 19.11.12 08:59:41 pm @ Yates: i know but i fixed the shadow problem and this map is a completely convert. @ Fabro: this map is a convert from CS:1.6
Fabro User Offline 19.11.12 08:56:52 pm Mm Small , not bad your maps need to be more bigs 4/5 I like it!