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English CS2D - Scripts

4,422 threads
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old load points only if player had saved beforekhaled1968
08.08.22 12:39 pm
4 khaled1968
10.08.22 09:11 pm
old bot select knife when there are no enemies nearbykhaled1968
07.08.22 02:02 am
4 LoaderFRA
07.08.22 03:46 pm
old kick bots if a lot of players joinedkhaled1968
05.08.22 12:06 am
4 DC
07.08.22 01:25 pm
old finding a special player id in timer function...khaled1968
01.08.22 10:38 am
5 Cure Pikachu
06.08.22 10:22 am
old Does package.path in CS2D default to Lua path?Komo the Cat
03.08.22 02:15 pm
1 Gaios
03.08.22 07:48 pm
old how to know if player had specific weaponkhaled1968
03.08.22 12:07 am
2 khaled1968
03.08.22 01:42 am
moved Has CS2D abilities over lua with another engines?Mora
22.07.22 02:01 pm
7 Mora
23.07.22 06:29 pm
old Check if the server is dedicated or listenMami Tomoe
01.07.22 12:02 pm
2 Mami Tomoe
01.07.22 02:43 pm
old Image DeluxeDC_cover_me
25.06.22 06:11 pm
3 Marcell
25.06.22 07:24 pm
old [Solved] How to insert missing values to table?Mora
31.05.22 06:13 pm
7 Mami Tomoe
01.06.22 10:52 am
old Is LuaU are better than LuaJIT?Komo the Cat
27.05.22 09:36 pm
3 Komo the Cat
29.05.22 05:57 am
old [player] ID in imagemrc
27.05.22 04:32 am
6 mrc
29.05.22 04:21 am
old When CS2D support Lua engine 5.3.0?TobyInChina
05.10.19 03:28 pm
13 MikuAuahDark
26.05.22 04:36 pm
old Writing bans to list manually.Mami Tomoe
15.05.22 06:33 pm
2 Mami Tomoe
16.05.22 09:45 pm
old Timersjutyprince
16.05.22 10:48 am
2 jutyprince
16.05.22 05:00 pm
old serveraction vs addbind/keymrc
30.04.22 03:52 pm
2 DC
01.05.22 08:44 am
old Imitating CS2D bullet [Solved]Mora
12.04.22 09:52 pm
7 Mora
16.04.22 10:55 am
old How do i make a storage to store all player's dataKomo the Cat
10.02.22 06:27 am
4 Gaios
10.02.22 05:02 pm
old An "Â" at first string in message?Komo the Cat
05.02.22 02:33 pm
6 Komo the Cat
06.02.22 06:21 am
old Check if player is in a buy-zoneMami Tomoe
02.02.22 09:41 pm
1 DC
02.02.22 09:43 pm
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