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Englisch Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

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alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

@user DC:

cs2d lua cmd inentityzone: I see, understandable.
Unforunatly I wanted to be able to use those zones as rooms instead of having to do the rooms through Lua (which I consider slower to loop through rooms on the cs2d lua hook movetile hook, rather than just checking if the player is in the right room (with entity name) through one command.
But that's not a dealbreaker.

cs2d lua hook turretscan:
In that case, I suggest adding these two commands:
cs2d lua cmd hasinrange(x,y,range,type) -- Checks if a player is in range of a position.
cs2d lua cmd inrange(x,y,range,type) -- Lists the players in range.

This will make sure the players are close AND do not have a raycast wall between them and the position.
parameter can be used to specify if the players should be considered in range either raycasting everything (walls and obstacles) or only walls (obstacles won't count).

Another nice addition would be cs2d lua cmd isinside(sx,sy,x1,y1,x2,y2) so we can easily check if something is inside a room.

All of these are easily done with Lua, but that means they're also slower.

Currently, in order to achieve the same result, it's non practical in Lua, at least for heavy servers such as mine.

cs2d lua cmd closemenu(p)
Will close a player's menu, and call the menu hook with button 0 (cancel).

An option to enable pistol auto-fire when cs2d cmd mp_recoil is enabled? Something like cs2d cmd mp_pistols_auto_fire.

Can we have some kind of cs2d lua hook pre_connect hook? Or perhaps move the cs2d lua hook connect hook a bit earlier in the connection process?
There's many reasons to have that, one of which is that the cs2d lua hook leave hook can still be called even if the player never actually joined, and that shouldn't really happen IMO.
Also, there's more benefits to the cs2d lua hook connect hook actually get called when the player attempts to connect, rather than a few steps before the cs2d lua hook join hook.
There's a few more reasons, but if any of the developers are interested, I can explain the rest through PM/DM.

cs2d lua hook projectile_throw hook.
• player ID (0 if thrown by server (cs2d lua cmd parse))
• projectile ID
• weapon type ID

And possibly player rotation and position, to make the hook more efficient.

> 0 - default - continue as normal
> 1 - cancel - don't throw (will still consume the item (to not delay player throwing projectiles))

There's no way to receive a projectile ID using the cs2d lua hook attack hook, this would act as a workaround.

cs2d lua cmd stats(0, 'count') - Count of U.S.G.N. entries.
cs2d lua cmd steamstats(0, 'count') - Count of STEAM entries.
If that's too complicated, perhaps cs2d lua cmd statscount().
And, perhaps, cs2d cmd stats(0, 'table') and cs2d cmd steamstats(0, 'table') which will return all the accounts' IDs, as such:
     [1] = 99153,
     [2] = '76561198087950619'
Of course, the first entry should be the highest ranked player.
And then, using the respective functions, it would be possible to get the rest of the data, depending on what is needed.
11× editiert, zuletzt 20.07.21 17:31:27

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Security Supporter Off Offline

user 2Gen hat geschrieben
dynamic sounds (the sound source changes its position during playback)

Moreover, there's a bug: some sounds have poor stereo balance. For example, the RPG rocket sounds plays more loudly in the left earpiece than in the right.
1× editiert, zuletzt 28.07.21 19:00:41

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

cs2d lua cmd player(p, 'bind', action) or cs2d lua cmd playerbind(p, action)

p > player ID
action > action type (say, sayteam, console, server action, ETC.)

Will return a string containing the key of which the action is binded to from the client.

print(playerbind(1, 'say'))

print(playerbind(1, 'serveraction1'))
> 'F2'

Use cases:
No longer needing a hook for every action, the ability to add a bind for every key used by a player and act appropriately.
Such as:
msg2(1, 'Press ' .. playerbind(1, 'say') .. ' to chat.')
Instead of:
msg2(1, 'Press Z to chat.')

The latter only applying to
of the players.

The actions should be the same text as the commands (such as cs2d cmd say, cs2d cmd sayteam, cs2d cmd serveraction1, ETC...).

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Admin Off Offline

@user Mami Tomoe: The server doesn't know the client bindings because it does not need to know them. They would have to be requested asynchronously. Also they can be changed at any point by the client. Therefore implementing and using this comes with many problems and would be quite a lot of work. Most likely won't happen.

In general it's quite unlikely that complex things will be added to the game.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

user MikuAuahDark hat geschrieben
sv_utf8 0/1 command

If it's enabled, it effectively turn every text aspect of the server to UTF-8 aware. Not sure if this is trivial to do for the client however. If it's disable, it revert back to Windows-1252 encoding.

Can only be set on server startup (either server.cfg or after script pointed by cs2d cmd mp_luaserver is executed)

I support this idea!

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

The Uplink Experiment
User Off Offline

Maybe a way to have players respawn on ctf and dom maps so the objectives are played? Alot of the time it just ends in 10 seconds because the teams rushed eachoter.

Alot of games that have a ctf and dom gamemode make players do the objectives by having players respawn so you can't end the round in 10 seconds.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

@user The Uplink Experiment:

cs2d cmd sv_gamemode exists.
Set it to construction.

An option to have an image appear below a player's equipment but above a player's legs and shadow.
This is for custom skins purposes, because currently there's no way of doing that without the mods feature, which restricts up to 4 skins per team, and for bigger mods, this isn't as useful.
Plus, Lua can't control which skin a player will have, not easily at least.
cs2dlua:image("gfx/cs2d.bmp", 0, 0, 5) -- For map image.
cs2dlua:image("gfx/cs2d.bmp", 3, 0, id + 500) -- For player image.

cs2d lua hook flash hook.

Example use case:
function flash_hook(victim, source, intensity)
	if source == 0 then
		-- Server command.
		return 0

	if player(victim, 'team') == player(source, 'team') then
		-- Team flash.
		return 1

	return 0
As described above, when the cs2d cmd flashplayer command is used on a player, the default source ID would be 0.

In addition to this, if this does gets added, a "source" parameter for cs2d cmd flashplayer would be great.
2× editiert, zuletzt 11.08.21 16:23:42

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User On Online

remove quick play since its going bad like brazilians are being redirected to europeans/asians servers which is bad and the brazilians servers are empty due to this, also make the serverlist sort by ping instead of players, this also make newcomers to play the game in the worst way since most are kids and doesnt understand how latency works

a brazilian just said to me he didnt liked the game because he shoot everyone and cant kill, complaining about hit and lag, and I asked how he joined the server and he said by quick play, imagine how many players we lost because of this, srsly, something must be done
1× editiert, zuletzt 17.08.21 21:59:50

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

@user mrc:

It makes perfect sense. Why pay for Facebook and Google ADS ad campaigns to lure players in, and when they join the game, they experience the worst possible lag experience?

I think it should work like any other game, for the smallest ping and localization. Not all servers have Lag Compensation compatible with PING.

Maybe CS2D lost too many players coming from steam because of this.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

The cs2d lua hook hit hook should return the flat damage as well.

If a player has 50 health, and they take 100 damage, the cs2d lua hook hit hook will set the flat damage to 100, and the rest of the values will remain the same (50~).

This would help for people who want to use custom armour values (like 30%).

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

@user Masea, rawdmg gives the raw damage taken.
Not the total damage taken.

A way to create the effect of a cs2d entity info_radaricon entity using Lua.
This is good for custom game modes where you have custom objectives (like flags in ctf_ maps or bombs on de_ maps) and you need to tell the players where to go to find the objective.
This cannot be made through the editor, as the objective can change position (if it is picked and dropped somewhere that is not its spawn point.

cs2d lua hook spawned(p)
Currently it's not a great idea to set player values like held weapon, ammo, health, armour, speed, ETC. using the cs2d lua hook spawn hook.
Having this hook will allow to set those values without the use of a timer.

The ability to request HTTPS data.
Using either cs2d lua cmd reqhttp or cs2d lua cmd reqhttps (with the addition of cs2d lua hook httpsdata).
Much of the internet is based around HTTPS nowadays which makes this hook much less relevant than it used to be.
If this is an engine limitation, then a similar implementation of this can be made using CURL.
CURL can be used to simulate the same concept.
Currently it's not possible to use CURL asynchronously using pure Lua, which means the server will halt until the request returns.
This is not optimal in most cases.
4× editiert, zuletzt 18.09.21 19:13:07

alt Add Weapons and Vehicles

Cosmicroids 72
User Off Offline

omg i hope they add Railgun and make the Flamethrower flames will stay for 5 sec just like Molotovs and add some vehiclces like robot or some cars
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