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English Destructive mod

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Poll Poll

how about leveling rewards?

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lv.1-5:carry up to 50kg (adds about 3kg every lvl)
0.00% (0)
lvl 6-10:attack stronger on hands
0.00% (0)
more spells (instead of spelling skill)
0.00% (0)
at mana cap. 5000 great corona (see edit 1st page)
0.00% (0)
find an item (random) in any level up
0.00% (0)
level 10:lifting spell (lifts anything it impacts)
0.00% (0)
random (e.g. lv 1 carrying lv 2 attacking)
0.00% (0)
20 votes cast

old Re: Destructive mod

User Off Offline

the super power-up *is* possible,but i more want to make a spell that cost 100 mana,and makes you super-fast,like 10 times more than normal and its durationwill be 60 seconds.sounds cool?and,what new buildings do you want?
with anim8or is easy at least...but there is no plane shape there but you can adjust a box into it...
EDIT:processing the super powerup. also,if you want to make a shockwave lavaball in next version,you need:
Spoiler >
edited 3×, last 21.10.08 01:51:29 pm

old Re: Destructive mod


Roster312 has written
umm.....what about a teleport spell like if you get lost you can teleport back to your house! some thing like that!
It would be cool!
My mod has a teloportation wand where if you right click, it sets the location, and if you left click, it teles you back to where you clicked. @DKHTS- you can take anything from it (my mod)

old Re: Destructive mod

User Off Offline

For teleport spell you could use the spell on a rock and then drop it were you wanted to tele to

just an idea, it's free

old Re: Destructive mod

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there is no command for that.if there is,it is extremely complicated.
EDIT:added a mana elixir. combine a
Spoiler >

im working on a pollen item,so you could pollinate plants to make them produce flowers in 1-2 days if you want to make your base trying at least...
1.its hard to model flowers
2.there is no command so a flower will magicaly produce flowers a 2-3 days later (unless a variable,but the first reason is keeping me away from doing this) just too lazy to make 12 models of flowers (also kinda of first reason)cause there are so many plants,you cant position the flowers perfectly on the model.also,the only model that is most likely to be like a flower will be a polygon,but you wont see it from the side looking (3rd person)view when you are at some positions in your base.
conclusion:pollen is good idea,but impossible to make with commands.only the wild can do everything ( ).lol.
edited 3×, last 26.10.08 06:54:19 pm

old Re: Destructive mod

User Off Offline

ill try to make a special bush called "flower bush",which has random (1,3) and every number creates different flowers.of corse,requires pollen.
the other thing im working on so much is a customizable house with a new building group.expect it in next version.
EDIT:yepi!! done. can build up to 3 floors of windows and walls,plus door only on first floor and flooring to make and stairs to get from floor to floor.all of them are made from 2 logs each
edited 2×, last 31.10.08 12:46:04 pm

old Re: Destructive mod

User Off Offline

wait 10 minutes and i start uploading,still fixing the models position in game.
edited 1×, last 31.10.08 07:30:09 pm

old Re: Destructive mod

User Off Offline

why weird?
it's cool i like to make stuff with like to build it all over half an big island but i dont get much logs to build

old Re: Destructive mod

User Off Offline

werid stuff: 1 the door is too small 2 the ends of the walls don't snap to each other 3 walls are to low thats it

old Re: Destructive mod

User Off Offline

someone has more ideas for objects and items?
so,the dock is finished.
and,it has a square space in,so you can dock rafts,and the bigger dock can dock yachts.
and im working on a garage for storing vehicles in.
thats it i think.if ill have more ill edit.
ok,donw the dock and garage.but im working on the PC that if you have a disc and use it it will show the tech tree of buildings,the details about combinations,and spell requirements.wont be hard im working on an image to show when u have a disc
edited 1×, last 03.11.08 05:28:45 pm
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