edited 1×, last 07.02.10 07:11:58 pm

the head is flying in the air.
But don't worry,he is going to fix that.
a msgbox appears: "parameter must be greater than 0";
Dang. My computer crashed a couple months ago, and I just fixed recently with a new hard drive. However, the FDropper link is dead. Anyone still have it?
edited 1×, last 09.04.10 05:13:04 pm
bloodsheder has written
well i see you are still alive.
of course he is,how can a crashing computer can kill?
nevertheless, i dont have the mod. Sorries.

Bloodshot has written
I think he meant with the mod... Lol 

Hehe. it can kill maybe by "crashing" on your head. (:D)
I understand your disappointment / why you're upset, but I'm not doing anything like charging for the mod, so, I don't see why you're being so harsh on me. This was made before the File Archive, and after it kind of died I let it lay there, I didn't think anyone would care. If someone does care, like you appear to, a PM would be a more optimal solution as opposed to a forum post anyway.
And, on a final note, if I'm going to continue ANY work on S2 modding, I'm doing it from scratch, and it's not going to be soon.
but i really want this mod, i have pm'd bloodshot and he doesn't respond even though is still active
could somebody please upload the mod

i know this thread is really old
but i really want this mod, i have pm'd bloodshot and he doesn't respond even though is still active
could somebody please upload the mod
but i really want this mod, i have pm'd bloodshot and he doesn't respond even though is still active
could somebody please upload the mod
Just be patient. I guess, Bloodshot will answer, yet.
Also you should read the last posts of him here...