Stranded II General hebrew hebrew
6 replies i want to translate the game to hebrew (my translating and my reading skil are mach better then my grammer).
after i translated the text i entered the game and it was gibberish !
what can i do?
adi DC Admin Online
the ingame fonts do not support all possible letters. they just support numbers, alphabetic chars and some special chars like brackets or punctuation marks. furthermore stranded II only supports ascii chars at all.
probably this is the problem. Can you use latin characters to write hebreic text?
Otherwise it will not work probably last time i chek it was a long time ago' now when i chaking it (in the game newest relest) my game stoped work! it says somesthing about dll.
i tryed to delet the game and reopen it' it steel dont work!
anyone have ideas?
adi DC Admin Online
re-download the game and install the latest directX version and graphics drivers. it works!