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English how to hanization this game

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old closed how to hanization this game

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I'm a Chinese player
I like this game very much!
many of my friends want to play this game in Chinese
I can hanizate many software
but when I hanizate this game
I got many distortion.
can anyone help me?

I hope you can understand
English is difficult to write Englishi.....

old Re: how to hanization this game

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There is not even a German version although the developer is German.
If you want to translate it into Mandarin, you will have to do that on yourself. There is a completely new CS2D being made anyway. You should not waste time on the old one.
Better wait for CS2D Max and ask for its sourcecode when it is finished.

old Re: how to hanization this game

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EwokChieftain has written
There is not even a German version although the developer is German.
If you want to translate it into Mandarin, you will have to do that on yourself. There is a completely new CS2D being made anyway. You should not waste time on the old one.
Better wait for CS2D Max and ask for its sourcecode when it is finished.

No, no!
DC cant give the sourcecode!
Because of the free sourcecode 0100 we have a lot of problems with cheaters and hackers, it will be better if he dont divulg the sourcecode...

old Re: how to hanization this game

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I agree with marcio I dont think you should release the sourcecode. If anyone wants to make a mod let them use the code for the old cs2d. If you don't release the code of this version then maybe just maybe we wouldn't have any cheaters to banned. Plus its possible that since accounts will be included in the game if sourcecode's are released hackers could still find a way to hack into our accounts and ruin our rep.

I play games all the time in different languages but thankfully there are guides online to tell you what each button means.

Please dont release the source code.

old Re: how to hanization this game

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I just advised him to ask for the bleeding sourcecode for himself.
That neither means that I think the game should become open source (no online game ever should), nor that I think his chances to get it will be high.
But he should try and ask.

You know: for somebody from the western culture it's no problem to play a Game in english, but mandarin is completely different and that's why I think that this is a good plan.
Of course, somebody who gets the code should be trustworthy.
edited 1×, last 18.05.07 03:33:17 pm

old Re: how to hanization this game

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I'm not going to say hes not trustworthy but there is still a chance that he would upload the game with sources nation wide. He said himself he just started the game. I think maybe he should be part of the community a bit longer before asking for the codes.

old Re: how to hanization this game

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Cheech has written
I'm not going to say hes not trustworthy but there is still a chance that he would upload the game with sources nation wide. He said himself he just started the game. I think maybe he should be part of the community a bit longer before asking for the codes.

Thats right! And everyone today know speak english... At least the basic... So I believe that isnt necessary!
sorry for english, hehehe

old Re: how to hanization this game

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Marcio has written
Thats right! And everyone today know speak english... At least the basic... So I believe that isnt necessary!
sorry for english, hehehe

You are a Brazilian and speak Portugese at home, a romanian language. For you, constructing this sentence is an easy thing, compared to a chinese who speaks Mandarin.
Try to learn Inuit tongue or Afrikaans and you will roughly know the language barrier that separates our guest from us...
In the case of any indoeuropean language I'd say nobody needs a translation, but this is something different.
I stick to what I said: This project makes sense.

old Re: how to hanization this game

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EwokChieftain has written
I just advised him to ask for the bleeding sourcecode for himself.
That neither means that I think the game should become open source (no online game ever should), nor that I think his chances to get it will be high.
But he should try and ask.

You know: for somebody from the western culture it's no problem to play a Game in english, but mandarin is completely different and that's why I think that this is a good plan.
Of course, somebody who gets the code should be trustworthy.
man im sick of this shit... ok lobster back, now just email him the source code tell him to not release the source code to anyone so it wont be hacked. only if u trust him, and its Bloody not Bleeding

old Re: how to hanization this game

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get in english gymnazie r vuy a self learner..
before ewok and bizzl created the engl mod of stranded 2 i playd in german so it wasnt very easy but som ords was close to engish ....

old Re: how to hanization this game

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skiper has written
get in english gymnazie r vuy a self learner..
before ewok and bizzl created the engl mod of stranded 2 i playd in german so it wasnt very easy but som ords was close to engish ....

I cant realy understand your first sentence...
Anyway...english is a language that is used in many places and i don't think the game needs to be translated. All you use is "net game", "bot game" and some other few words.

old Re: how to hanization this game


ok, he had a software that translated maany of the things in the game into chinese (i think thats wut he meant)

the problem is, cs2d is made out of Blitz3D which is an "intermediate" language (sort of like visual basic, but vb sux) and is not easily decompiled for "Hanization"

have u tried to use the source code yet

PS: u cant prevent the cs2d Max from hacking, the thing is, even if its not open source, many players here might know assembler language, which totally takes out the mediate Blitz3D, so making the game all binary will only reduce some, less expertised "hackers" (cant be called hacker if u cant use assembler -.-)

old Thank you very much!

User Off Offline

First,Thank you very much!

I'm a high school student
I don't think this difficult to play this game in English
Even if I can talk with others in the game
But if the game don't translate into Chinese
Many Chinese e.g.Many adults never learn English,although they want to play this game ,they don't know how to play without Chinese
And did you watch the video of the new Counter-Strike 2D Main Menu? It will more difficult for Chinese to operate !!!

So,if I get the sourcecode ,I will try my best to translate this game and make every Chinese who play Counter-Strike known the game and play it! But I understand what EwokChieftain said "somebody who gets the code should be trustworthy",I don't know how can make you trust me......

I can't understand every word you said,but thanks to the

Thank you !

old Re: how to hanization this game

Admin On Online

however: I'm sorry but I'll never ever give someone the source code.
but maybe I will just put all the text in external files which can be easily modified by everyone. this would be the best solution.

old Re: how to hanization this game

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DC has written
however: I'm sorry but I'll never ever give someone the source code.
but maybe I will just put all the text in external files which can be easily modified by everyone. this would be the best solution.

Thank you for your answer!
I think you are right , I needn't get the source code.
put all the text in external files is the best way
If I can translate this game by just change some text,that would be fine! √

old Re: how to hanization this game

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Installers suck. They can do anything to one's registry. Trustworthy software does not need installers.
If the text will really be in external files (.inf or something), you will be able to just overwrite it with language packs. And if you want to switch it back to english, just extract the game archive again and overwrite the files.
Same thing as with Stranded II.

old Re: how to hanization this game


u dont need to use an installer, just create ur own package extractor and add the whole thing into an executable package (many languages support that, not sure about Blitz3D but u can use a second language for the extractor, it will be more user friendly and u will get less of those weird posts saying how they cant play b/c they havent extracted the games yet, just a suggestion
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