Re: Cheats?jeepohahyo User Offline 24.03.07 08:43:12 am I'm not sure if there are still cheats. Spoiler You can type "cheats" in the console. In older versions it worked, I don't know if they still exist.
Re: Cheats?Guest 17.08.08 09:50:32 pm ya there is u press the botton under esc and write "dm" without the " and select a cheat it works also im
cheetzGuest 24.10.08 06:18:32 pm There is cheats! press ยง the button next to 1 and over TAB. In there, you type dm and press enter.
Re: Cheats?Flying Lizard User Offline 24.10.08 07:39:33 pm first of all that's already known. Second, have you ever takena look at the date of this thread?? *closed*