Which brings a big question: "What if there was a 2D platformer adaptation as opposed to its' top-down counterpart?". I know some of you would call this idea stupid or redundant as there is already a 2D spinoff of the extremely popular Counter-Strike franchise.. But just think about the amazing possibilities it would open for both old and devoted fans as well as newcomers: more detailed players, animations, more level editing choices: decorate the backgrounds and foregrounds of maps with all kinds of props from industrial pipes and scaffoldings to natural elements like folliage and rocks. I am aware some elements are tricky to place such as taking cover perhaps. Maybe a 2.5D-like system can help fix that, by allowing a platform for the player to be say 2 units wide, so people can stand left or right of a doorway so they don't get riddled with bulletholes.
Having CS2D as a 2D platformer would really give an actual sense of scale in terms of being on tall buildings or being able to climb on actual stairs rather than normal tiles with different textures as well as having the ability to go underwater.
Here are a few things I can think of adding to level editing:

Also, I must add: the lighting system in the current ver. of CS2D is absolutely gorgeous and should definately be recycled or refined for use here, it could definately set the atmosphere for any map.
Bots and NPC's are more than welcome as well, they were in my opinion just as welcome an update as the lighting update.
Having the same variety in map making as CS2D would be a blessing, even more would be amazing: being able to add certain hazards that move along a specified pattern that can be edited to the creator's leisure.
I hope you enjoyed reading some of my ideas and I hope to hear from you as soon as possible!

edited 9×, last 06.07.18 03:02:56 am