Here's the initial part. You can get the framework from
Once you did this step create a folder named
_yates(or any name as you wish but preferable _yates) in
sys/luadirectory path. Afterwards, extract all the files to that folder and you're ready to go.
Oh and a side note! There's also the EXTRACTMEPLEASE.zip which contains all the emoticons needed. You must extract it in the
gfxfolder otherwise the Console would just go batshitmad and print various errors because the emoticons don't exist.
And to finish with, open server.lua file from
sys/luaand add this line below:
This ensures CS2D will execute the startup module and every service of Y.A.T.E.S. The chapter finishes here.
Some guys reported that they don't know how to get the auth token. Auth token is just a sequence of alphanumeric characters to access the administration rights, pretty much like a password. You must follow this chapter in order to get admin privileges or the like.
If you correctly followed the first chapter Y.A.T.E.S. should execute just fine. It should print various messages and info in the Console (press ~ conkey to access the Console). Normally this is how it should look like as in the image below.
As you can see, the phrase highlighted in red colour says you must authenticate with the auth token specific the framework gave you. That's your token! As soon as you authenticate with your token, the framework prepares all the administration rights to you as shown in the image below.
NOTE: For the moment,
sudo apt-get install curl// For Debian based systems
yum install curl// For Red Hat based systems
Certain parts of the framework are editable, such as prefix say for commands, time mute in seconds, etc. and it will not affect the inner core of the system. To get them, just browse
_yatesfolder and open
Here's the cool part! Plugins! Plugins are just scripts but the fancier fact is they don't affect Y.A.T.E.S. system and you can expand Y.A.T.E.S. functionality with these. Normally you find plugins in
Each plugin has a folder on its own containing various files depending on script functionality. To name few of them are:
startup.lua - This one is the important file for Y.A.T.E.S. This file contains necessary data as Y.A.T.E.S. needs them to launch the plugin properly.
actions.lua - Also the most important one. It has the script engine and functions to work.
config.lua - Also the most important but it can be optional. This one has additional settings parameters in case if your plugin can be configured by specific settings.
To create your first plugin, you must create a new blank startup.lua. Here I give you an example of how startup.lua should look like:
yates.plugin['DIRECTORY_NAME']['title'] = 'A plugin which does nothing' yates.plugin['DIRECTORY_NAME']['author'] = 'ZxC' yates.plugin['DIRECTORY_NAME']['usgn'] = '99488' yates.plugin['DIRECTORY_NAME']['version'] = '0.0.1' yates.plugin['DIRECTORY_NAME']['description'] = 'A simple description, nothing else.' dofileLua(yates.plugin['DIRECTORY_NAME']['dir'] .. 'FILENAME.lua')
To explain it briefly,
yates.pluginparses all the data from [] brackets,
['DIRECTORY_NAME']is where you type the folder name of your plugin (crucial part!), while
descriptionare info data of your plugin. You must fill these after equal with quotes (denote them as strings).
dofileLuakeyword is similar to
dofile()although bound to Y.A.T.E.S.
['dir']tells Y.A.T.E.S. to link up the following files necessary of the plugin and
'FILENAME.lua'is where you link up a file of the plugin. To say it, if I made a plugin which contains three files (startup.lua, actions.lua and functions.lua) then I must link them by adding in new line
dofileLua()with all the parameters just like in the example.
!plugin. The command syntax should be like this:
!plugin <disable or enable> <plugin>// Whose <plugin> is the name of your plugin and <> means important data to fill.
Note that it may require a hard-reload or soft-reload of your server in order to get desired effects. To execute such reloads use
As you all know, CS2D uses
msg()for global messages and
msg2()for player specific message. In Y.A.T.E.S. there's
yatesMessage()for these two functions. The synopsis of this function is:
yatesMessage(id, 'MESSAGE', 'colour') -- To display a message to a player only whose id is the player's ID
yatesMessage(false, 'MESSAGE', 'colour') -- To display a message globally
Here I can give you a small example of a plugin displaying a simple welcoming message to the player.
function WelcomeMessage(id) yatesMessage(id, 'Welcome to my server', 'default') end addhook('join', 'WelcomeMessage')
'colour' parameter is the colour message you want to be displayed. For example,
'success'is green while
'default'is white. The list of colours used in Y.A.T.E.S. are:
This is it for the moment. Of course I'll edit this tutorial with more stuff as soon as I discover what should matter to be posted. If you guys feel there's something crucial missed here, just say it!