Turret Authorisation
Turret Authorisation
4 replies Hey,
is it possible to make neutral (yellow) turrets in the deathmatch mode not attacking players with a particular usgn-id and besides even upgradeable by these players as well?
greeting atom
DC Admin
Unfortunately the turret shooting behavior can't be modified with Lua scripting or settings.
There are other things you could try though:
Let turrets still fire at all players but make certain players immune to the shots of these bullets (this is not the same because the turret will always fire at the closest player so immune players might distract it from non-immune players). Can be done using the
hit hook with return 1.
Don't use the built-in turrets and script your own turret replacement. This would be a lot of work though. Im a bit disappointed but thanks anyway DC
Can I have a hope that you will add lua modification related to the turret behaviour in the next cs2d version? DC Admin
Unlikely, sorry. But I can add it to the backlog. You can make lua based turrets and program them.