example if player pressed f2 then
after 1 sec
after 1 sec
after 1 sec
after 1 sec
and like that
hope you understand me
countdown = {} for id = 1, 32 do countdown[id]=0 end addhook("second","secondhook") function secondhook() for _, id in ipairs(player(0,"table")) do if countdown[id]>0 then msg2(id,countdown[id].."..@C") countdown[id] = countdown[id]-1 end end end
-- untested, look in your console(^) and POST THE RED LUA ERROR TEXT local timer for id = 1, 32 do 	timer[id]=0 end addhook("serveraction","mySA") function mySA(id,b) 	if b==1 then -- f2 (2= f3, 3 = f4) 		if (timer[id] > 0) then -- toggle var 			timer[id] = 0 		else 			timer[id] = 60 		end 	end end	 addhook("second","mySec") function mySec() 	for k,v in ipairs(player(0,"table")) do 		if timer[id] > 0 then 			msg2(id,"Your personal timer is: "..tostring(timer[id])) 			timer[id] -= 1 		end 	end end