env_explode 1
env_explode 2
dynwall 1
dynwall 2
Note: Will select 1 in 15 rounds and will activate a pair of explode and dynwall, pair 1 or pair 2
pair 1
pair 2
sorry for bad english
rounds = { 	triggers = {{"hlle","ptyd"},{"pty","hlled"}}, 	set = function() 		rounds.chosen = math.random(1,15) 	end, 	select = function() 		for k,v in pairs(rounds.triggers[math.random(1,2)]) do 			parse("trigger "..v) 		end 	end }
If rounds.chosen and rounds.chosen == YOUR_ROUNDS_VARIABLE then 	rounds.select() end
rounds = { triggers = {{"hlle","ptyd"},{"pty","hlled"}}, set = function() rounds.chosen = math.random(1,15) end, select = function() for k,v in pairs(rounds.triggers[math.random(1,2)]) do parse("trigger "..v) end end } If rounds.chosen and rounds.chosen == round then rounds.select() end