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Warface launch bug..
Warface launch bug..
2 replies Hey
I need some help in the steam game 'Warface' , i downloaded the game today and i started it , it gave me this photo below
After 2 seconds , the game window become like this below.
And then the launcher stuck at that stage , i left my pc on that stage for 30 m , not working so i'm here for some help , do you know a solution ?
And btw i got NVIDIA Geforce . @
GeoB99: Well , i went there and i the solution of issue 3 part and it just closed warface launcher , and nothing else .-. , and i don't know what "NVidia Physx Sofware" is , but i searched about it in and didn't find any result..
EDIT : I fixed it , the problem was in my pc date , it was wrong , i fixed it then tried and every thing worked as well..