Unreal Software
update zip rar
update zip rar
2 replies WFT 
Help me
You need to upload a ZIP-archive! Other filetypes are not allowed! What is hard to understand this error?
The error said that you upload a file that is not ZIP.
You must upload a file that is ZIP archive extension.
If you have WinRar you can create ZIP-archive files. DC Admin
Moved to Unreal Software section because this topic is related to the website and not to CS2D (even if you want to upload a CS2D related file).
Your "description" makes it hard to understand your actual problem. But the title makes it look like you have a rar file and want to convert it to zip so you can upload it. At least zip is what you need to upload something here.
The easiest way is probably to simply extract it and to pack it again as zip. You can do this with WinRAR (as
GeoB99 already said) and also with most other Zip/Rar-tools.