It looks horrible. White on yellow is hard to read, as is grey on grey.
Protip: let a designer work on it. The blue striped background looks lame.
The content is much better.
@ gotya2: WTH are you talking about? I mean... how small is your screen? Like, it's readable and white text on yellow background.. it's readable. What do you mean by grey on grey? It's white on grey. What's so unreadable about that?
Flat! Flat! Flat! Pl0x! Pl0x! Plox!
Honestly, flat design would be really awesome. All you've got to do is re-design the whole template which doesn't seem much. o.o. Really, just you and an all-nighter with your favorite consumables right next to you.
OH and use font-awesome for your icons! They're really eyegasmic on flat designs and really easy to use.
And the usage of fonts such as 'Source Sans Pro' or 'OpenSans'. (freebies)
-the web designer with genuine rookie experience.
Edit: pssssst, did I forget to mention how nice a one pager' would look like?
Edit2: Some links on the links.php page that needs attention:
- (down)
- (suspended)
- (down)
- "it works"
- o.o
Well firstly, Sparty, It isnt "going over the top", after all I am free to share my ideas to an extent as I desire and as a designer I do have something in mind to support what I said. And secondly, if you didn't have such of an ignorant personality maybe you could've read over again what I said about the links. O.o
This concludes you've been smokin' too much "gunja".