
I'm not against 1337 (english in numbers) but you didn't listed Russian. It's strange.In English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, Swedish, 1337 ...
Wikipedia has written
It is the most geographically widespread language of Eurasia and the most widely spoken of the Slavic languages. It is also the largest native language in Europe, with 144 million native speakers in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Russian is the 8th most spoken language in the world by number of native speakers and the 7th by total number of speakers. The language is one of the six official languages of the United Nations.

If you are searching for the command reference click on "Help" and than on "Commands/Lua": http://www.cs2d.com/help.php

let's drop Swedish for it

Are you planning to add more third-party sites?
I would like to remake CS2DHungary soon.
Thats why asking

edited 1×, last 29.05.19 12:48:19 pm

Well i suggest to add a new map tutorial (i could make it, someone just need to fix my grammar issues)

added 1337 as well because it's fun.
Let's remove this one then.

1. play the trailer
2. click on the image near the trailer box

3. have fun

(in case you dont get it, the image is under the youtube window so :D)
oh and now... make a new trailer!! yaaay