Oxy2d website 505 error
Oxy2d website 505 error
6 replies Any one else had this problem?
Happened as soon as i recieved the email containing the password and confirmation and went to access it... Contact them, instead of Unreal Software? i agree with
krabob , why make a post ?! contact support !
I did was just curious if anyone had the same problems or had solutions, everyone on this forum is hostile... thanks anyway. SD User
Some problems with hardware and possibly another DDoS-attack. It's a shame to say, but right I spend most of my time writing a new Oxy2D panel and establishing new hardware & software Oxy2D will run on because I want to provide better experience for clients sooner. In a week or two, I'll move everything to new hardware & put up a new web-site. New customer interface is almost ready and software is almost configured, with exception of mail server. I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused. I got through earlier. It has a good ping etc, but has crashed a couple times. It sucks that there are so many hackers with nothing better to do.
You wouldn't happen to know what im doing wrong with the map system when i upload, i have to keep changing the map every time i open the server to the correct one and the config keeps resetting to a different map every time i upload.
Thanks for the reply, service is good otherwise. As the users said, you must contact the administrator/support of the site. You can use this section about problems/doubts related to the CS2D server and dedicated server.