How to start/close a server
How to start/close a server
3 replies Hey
I already clicked on ''I searched but I did not find anything''I really need helps about this problem.
I bought server I use FilleZilla FTP clients to controll it.
I can only transfer the files without starting , restarting or closing ect..
I hope that I'll find a solution. Noway to start/close FTP.
Ask the server hoster for start/close,
Thats the reason that you should buy VPS and controll everything yourself SD User
Can you connect through SSH? If so, you can also use SFTP instead of FTP. DC Admin
Are you sure that you have a real vServer with root rights and not just a plain and simple webspace? Webspace can't be used to host CS2D servers.
You have to look for something called SSH. This is used to remote control Linux servers and your server should either support this or offer a control panel. You can use tools like PuTTy to use SSH on Windows.
FTP can only be used for file transfer. Nothing more and nothing less. You can't execute stuff on your server with it.