Have both - the original and the stolen version - been uploaded here? If yes: Provide the links to both (you should have used the stolen uploads thread in that case) If no: We can't do anything for you. Call a lawyer.
So you actually violated Chingy's rules by editing his script and uploading/sharing it somewhere. This is the only way other people can get your script. They can't get it by simply joining your server because it stays on the server and is not sent to clients. You must have shared it and violated Chingy's rules... thanks for admitting that.
So you are the one who violated rules and not the victim.
The Owner server GK, stolen my edited script, because: My rules: You can't edit my edited script (engine.lua) You can use script You can edit file config.lua
We are not the server owners of GK.
We don't know the server owners of GK.
YOU have to contact the server owners of GK and discuss the problem with them.
This is none of our concern here, since the edited script can not be found on this server.
@ Gaios: You can't tell people what they can and cannot do with a script you edited. I cannot buy a painting and paint a little flower on it and say I painted the whole thing. Because I didn't.
Gaios read Chingy's conditions again please. Carefully!
The point is that Chingydoesn't allow you to reupload the script! You can edit it FOR YOUR OWN USE ONLY! This means NO SHARING/UPLOADING at all of any edits of his script!
You violated Chingy's rules as I said! Remove the edited script instantly!
@ Gaios:
They don't understand what you mean. Can you message me in Polish so I can translate it lol.
He downloaded "474" script and edited it for his own server, when he done he sent it to his clan leader which uploaded it on their server, but also leaked it to other people.
He probably wanted to stop them from hosting it which is impossible.