Everyone has same IP on server + USGN bug
Everyone has same IP on server + USGN bug
3 replies I do not know why more when I create my server has 2 bugs: Bug USGN something when a person enters my server takes the usgn the person I do not know why, everyone who enters my server has the same ip, so if I banip to ban any player in the entire world.
DC Admin
First of all: Wrong section. Moved to CS2D server.
I don't understand the first "bug" you are talking about. Please try to explain this one again.
Second bug (same IP for everyone): You are either doing something wrong or those people are using the same network/internet connection. Otherwise they would have different IPs. He obviously has been hacked..firstly his name and secondly his English...Brazilians make grammar mistakes (just check his old posts).
Also "Latest online Game: 09.08.12 18:25:54 (1 Month ago)"
Same date he changed his name .
I are love BR!!
(no kill admin pls) @
Ahmad: He uploaded a file with his USGN data, but he removed it.
ImIdiotIUploadedRconPwDat: There's a bug thread. Search it and post possible bugs there.