
./CS2D: error while loading shared libraries: libsteam_api.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
This is the output I get when attempting to run CS2D via command line albeit the specific shared object
libsteam_api.sofile is already there in the folder. Copying the said SO file from other Steam games doesn't actually fix the problem. Note that I ran the standalone version of the game. My Linux distribution is Linux Mint 18.3 "Sylvia" 64-bit with a 4.13.0-38-generic version kernel.
The bug can be reproduced on the recent version -- (


string.char(169)also works as well.


\169like already suggested.

*Many false speedhack kicks.
edited 1×, last 10.04.18 03:25:28 pm

CS GO has written
in the case of bomb defusals, the MVP will only be awarded to the defuser if they had gotten a kill.
It seems @

i didnt, but ik its mvp for defusing. what happened is:
a random terrorist started bomb defusing
mrc killed last ct (he didnt defuse bomb)
round ended, mrc is mvp for bomb defuse (he didnt defuse bomb)
idk if u understand, maybe u already did, well idc

