
_Lima_: @
ForeverNames: @
Most likely there won't be more additions to what already is next version. There are quite a few new features already.
I'm a little bit holding release back as I have to find additional time on testing all current features so it doesn't fall apart.

Most likely there won't be more additions to what already is next version. There are quite a few new features already.
I'm a little bit holding release back as I have to find additional time on testing all current features so it doesn't fall apart.
I see, it was really a feature anyway.. But i hope CS2D gets an new update & improvement..
Second: Dont show ips in the server list. Just hide them. (Make it for DDos kiddies not to easy). For Favorite Server we could use UUIDs. Its simple and efficient. Each Server has his own UUID in his configs, and players can add servers to their list trough public list, or also with ip. If an Server with an manual IP input will be found, his IP will be saved.
Also if a server changes his ip or port (for example moving to another host) he could just import his UUID.
You can get the IPs with simple commands on each operating system, with free memory hacking tools (the same ones used to make hacks) or with fancy visual traffic monitors. All free, easy to find and easy to use.
I won't invest time to hide something (+ destroy features like copying the IP) which can be made visible again even by the most stupid newbie kid on earth. Hiding IP addresses is absolutely ridiculous.
edited 1×, last 10.01.19 07:43:31 pm

I thought today about a maybe simple and efficient way against speedhacks. I could be wrong, but if you create a timer in CS2D which sets on OS-Time as soon as you start the game, and counts for itself. After X time it will compare this timer with OS.Time again, and if its a big difference, the cheat is busted. I thing this would be pretty easy to implement, but i would like to hear what youre thinking about it. If there is a way to manipulate the Os.time simultaneous, then it could also compare with an connected server.


Trust me: I wasted dozens of hours with anti cheat and cheat detection. Nothing on client side helps in long term. Hackers just hack everything with enough time. And in most cases hacking something is quicker than implementing it. Rendering all the work useless.
Such as adding a theme system just like mods that allows players to change the theme to something else.

I mean: It would maybe make the menus a bit more bautiful but it wouldn't really make CS2D a better game or attract new players.
And considering CS2D's UI is outdated as is I just thought it might be about time to at least consider it.
Please (re)consider LuaJIT, it will be really useful for bigger scripts.
DC: has written

LuaJIT caused too many problems and further research is necessary there. I might release separate CS2D binaries with LuaJIT support though.
Release a dedicated server for both Lua and LuaJIT?
edited 1×, last 14.02.19 08:12:26 pm
(and I'm sorry for my "negative" feedback all the time. Just trying to be realistic. I don't want to promise things and cause wrong expectations)

But if you don't want to have another CS2D then I suppose the bugs will just keep piling up. Not that i'm complaining..

I'm not a programmer, but I suggest adding " Shoot through the wall"
Env_Shootwall - This function can be supplied on any wall.
It can be edit, for example: 45.3% - these percentages indicate that you can shoot with the possibility of these percent through the wall.
X and Y - This is the location of the function

AWP has always been blacklisted for its superiority. Its way too OP in any game mode and thats why many servers dont allow it. New scoping system would not only make it realistic but also more challenging to hit your enemies. Also, scoping must make you aim slower since its still pretty OP for more experienced players (obviously it cant be completely balanced, we are playing 2d game after all).