I don't know about this idea/suggestion has been requested. When I pressed Esc button, shown menu just simply removed and it didn't trigger the menu hook. I think it should and the button parameter should be -1 or 0 like Cancel button. Or Esc button shouldn't remove shown menu, so it doesn't trigger anything. And when I bind a key, can I attach it with a Lua function so when I press the key it calls the function? Also maybe objecttype Lua command (e.g. objecttype(1, "name") = Barricade)?
The ability to modify team scores and names with lua.
That is, the 'terrorist' and 'counter terrorist' names and their score on the scoreboard.
Changing or adding maketeam commands to change a players team without killing them first. So on the next round or something, similar to how the auto teambalance feature switches people around without any deficit to a players in game stat.
I think they shouldn't be too difficult to add and should help improve the game experience a bit.
Idk, posted it or not, but maybe text format in chats?like a _italic_ (text), *big* (text) and _*(*_)itabic*_(_*) (text and about chat limit, some players have big or small nicknames, and not always they have to show all the message in the chat, i think it's need to be fixed: and the another one:
maybe object "Street light" also will have light engine?, just bcs it's looks not good
Counter-Strike 2D
$1400 after losing the first round
$1400 after losing 2 rounds in a row
$1900 after losing 3 rounds in a row
$2400 after losing 4 rounds in a row
$2900 after losing 5 or more rounds in a row
Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
$1400 after losing the first round
$1900 after losing 2 rounds in a row
$2400 after losing 3 rounds in a row
$2900 after losing 4 rounds in a row
$3400 after losing 5 or more rounds in a row
Command line parameter for map preview export. Can be used on us.de back-end for map previews Combined with a Lua script can be used as an in-game map preview Can also be used for batch map preview export
@ Captione: I don't think so. This will make the Elites become inconsistent with other pistols and become very inaccurate.
I'd rather double its price, rate of fire, magazine size, and reload time while still being 1 pistol.
@ J192: To make it obviously real. Srsly, the elite is an enhanced version of the glock without the burst mode. So yeah, i deleted the earlier post because the eilte should be cheap, you know, the second sentence proves it. Here's some proof: List of all weapons and items
If CTs or TTs drop their pistol, they get a new USP or Glock with full ammo for the next round. Now if they have already a USP or Glock at the end of the round that they used and they do not drop it, they have to buy ammo to get it full. I think for the standard pistol, the ammo should automatically be refilled for free each round, just in case players forget to drop their standard pistol. Just for the sake of sense.
Something that annoyed me over the years was that whenever during the game I check the "options", it automatically changes my name that is set in the options.
Lets say my name in the options is the standard name Player. Then I play with my clantag and nickname -clan- volontaire. So I check the options and my name would change to Player.
Is it possible to change this? Sometimes I just want to change the sound and it would change my name aswell.
@ saint-: Nah I don't think weapon regeneration is necessary. That doesn't happen in the original cs so I don't think getting a new secondary after round start makes sense.
As for the name change, I agree. After changing your name via saying "/name ***", it should change the .cfg to reflect the new changes. -- Or at least make it so that opening options doesn't reset the name.
Vote players in DM mode:
there is only teammates voting in the menu(V(by standart))
Sure i can vote by /vote id, but the menu in DM mode maybe should be changed?..
hm , i have idea about adding a hook.
the hook is ns, ns is nano second , nano second is 1/1,000,000,000 part of normal second
but this is probably impossible :3 , bcs is not a known company like facebook