Maybe add command or whatever that may call sprites (like in the map) but wherever i need, ex i used command:
sprites typeidx ymodespeedx -x y -yr g b typeid it's sprites image type ( like in the map editor) x, y -position of x and y in/at map/player (see mode) mode - 1 player, 2 - map ( or 0 player/1 map, or else) speed speed power. x,-x,y,-y rotate? maybe, idk, whatever.. like in the map editor. r g b color of it..
(MAP — name of map, DATE — when screenshot was taken, Y.M.D)
Or just parameters which user can mix: $map, $y, $m, $d,...
Folder for map exports with name "overviews" (as in HL and its mods) or "map exports" or simply "exports". Map export name = map name.
I don't know if this falls under "More weapons" or "Weapon editor", but this simple implementation will increase possibilities and decrease limitations by a lot with little to no negative effects.
So, unless some sort of limitation prevents DC from implementing this, I think it will be extremely beneficial.
First of all, mp_wpndmg and its variants should also be able to use id numbers instead of just names.
Secondly, most of the weapons' attributes should be customizable via console commands:
mp_wpndmg <id> <value> Changes the damage of a weapon.
mp_wpndmg_z1 <id> <value> Changes the "z1"-damage of a weapon.
mp_wpndmg_z2 <id> <value> Changes the damage of a weapon in zoom level 2.
mp_wpnmag <id> <value> Changes the magazine capacity of a weapon. e.g. "mp_weaponmag 2 18" only lets you fire 18 rounds from the Glock before having to reload.
mp_wpncap <id> <value> Changes the maximum amount of reserve ammo available for a weapon. e.g. "mp_weaponcap 47 32" lets you carry up to 32 rockets in reserve for the RPG.
mp_wpnrld <id> <value> Changes the reload time of a weapon. e.g. "mp_weaponrld 39 0.5" lets you reload the Famas within only 0.5 seconds.
mp_wpnrpm <id> <value> Changes the rate of fire of a weapon. Higher value means faster; lower value means slower. e.g. "mp_weaponrpm 35 400" lets you rapidly fire the AWP at 400 rounds per minute.
mp_wpndis <id> <value> Changes the range of a weapon. Higher value means longer; lower value means shorter. e.g. "mp_weapondis 45 50" only lets you hit somebody with the Laser from a few tiles away.
mp_wpndis_z1 <id> <value> Changes the range of a weapon in zoom level 1, while silenced, etc. Higher value means longer; lower value means shorter.
mp_wpndis_z2 <id> <value> Changes the range of a weapon in zoom level 2. Higher value means longer; lower value means shorter.
mp_wpnspd <id> <value> Changes the speed modifier of a weapon while it is brandished. Same values as the "speedmod" command. e.g. "mp_weaponspd 11 -10" makes the XM1014 heavier than usual.
mp_wpnvar <id> <value> Changes the accuracy of a weapon. Higher value means less accurate; lower value means more accurate. 0 is perfect accuracy. e.g. "mp_weaponvar 90 0" makes the M134 perfectly accurate.
mp_wpnvar_z1 <id> <value> Changes the accuracy of a weapon in zoom level 1, while silenced, etc. Higher value means less accurate; lower value means more accurate. 0 is perfect accuracy.
mp_wpnvar_z2 <id> <value> Changes the accuracy of a weapon in zoom level 2. Higher value means less accurate; lower value means more accurate. 0 is perfect accuracy.
Again, I don't know if there is some sort of limitation which might prevents DC from implementing this at any time.
To stop the Bitmap madness: warn the user in the editor whenever he attempts to use a .bmp image (e.g. once in 5 minutes)
UPD: The same goes for the .wav sounds
@ GeoB99: I'm not 100% sure if this is working but a tiny Lua script which searches for weather entities (entitylist, entity) and which triggers them to disable them (triggerposition) should do the job.
@ J192: MP3 is not supported for licensing reasons but OGG is supported and even better. You are free to use PNG and OGG and you should do so.
The original files have never been switched for two reasons: It doesn't have any significant impact. The only benefit would be less HDD space consumption (which is totally negligible) and of course for PNG that you could easier use alpha channels. Transmission wouldn't change (much) as the files are compressed for it anyway. It would change the extension, breaking everything. Skins wouldn't work anymore without changing their extension as well. Same for custom audio. Also maps and scripts using the files wouldn't work anymore.
There is a simple trick: You can use PNG and OGG for the original files which are WAV/BMP. Just change the extension to WAV/BMP and it works.
I could do that for the original files but it's dirty and confusing. That's why I won't do it.
I could also try to load PNG/OGG first and then try the same file name with WAV/BMP so you could have for instance a ct1.png and a ct1.bmp and the png would be loaded if there is one, otherwise the bmp. But again this would probably be very confusing for many end-users (especially the ones who have displaying file extensions disabled which is the default Windows setting unfortunately).
So the conclusion is: It's a very bad idea to simply change it because it would cause much trouble without giving significant benefits. There are possible workarounds but they are all very dirty and therefore bad as well.
@ Talented Doge: You might want to read the whole thread. This was suggested many MANY times. By me too if I recall correctly as well as many others. Also, it was denied all those times because then you could re-map the controls and mess them up for people.
@ DC:
1. Is there a possibility that you could add the weapons speed modifier in the itemtype function? It could be useful to develop better anti-speedhacks in case that you ever decide to make a new gun or modify an old one.
2. Could you add a hook that would tell when a player has been teleported by setpos or either the Func_Teleport entity? If possible, this hook being triggered before the movetile hook (I noticed that the movetile hook is also called when a player is teleported).
How about server auto-bind , this idea is good probably..
it's about server binds , like Iran town's server binds..
if the player join the server then before he joins a menu pop and says "Do you want to launch server binds?" with 2 buttons (Yes,No)
and a tick button for "Remove the bind after i leave the server"..
I really would like to see this idea in counter strike 2D