@ Kirito2K: Not really. The unbindall command is unbinding all keys instead to unbind a single key that I specified it (let's say for example I want to unbind x key).
Just read my post carefully, I wrote correctly what I mean by this command.
I suggest you to save the data file of usgn that is used for log on to CS2D on: C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Documents
beause other users also want play in CS2D on computer but previous user maybe won't to anyelse play on his USGN.
Something like this. I didn't want to write it in Germanic grammar, so I wrote it in Slavonic.
What about a status bar of the messages on unrealsoftware.de? As well as the friend requests.
Could be useful to see it on the CS2D menu.
Status: Online
New messages: 5
Friend requests: 2
I propose this because I sent some messages to certain guys who did use the game over the last few days, but they did not check the messages. So probably they don't check for them online thinking that they won't get one anyway. If they see it in the CS2D Menu, they would always know that they got one.
By the way I am sorry for not having read all those pages before posting. I found my answer of the possible new FOW option on page 19!
@ saint-: Whenever you get a friend request or a message on unrealsoftware.de in the main menu option "Friends" will light up and shine in yellow-red colors.
I know, but it is more annoying to me. It reminds me of those blinking boards in front of restaurants in the US. I think a status bar in the CS2D menu would look good and be useful with the new message information.
I find unnecessary that when you press "B" button it's still showing the Buy Menu especially when you aren't in Buy Zone. It mustn't show the Buy Menu if you are not in the Buy Zone.
Alright I will just suggest one more idea for the serverlist and then I'll stop annoying for a longer period of time.
I would split the serverlist instead of:
Internet | LAN | Favorites | Recently Joined
to (example):
Standard modes (aim, de, cs, as,..), custom modes (all those minecraft servers and IRAN Town and weird modes), LAN, password servers, favourites, recently joined
Standard | Custom | Private | LAN | Favorite | Recently Joined
Most important for me is the split between standard and custom. I've seen that it would take too much space to include all of them.
Regardless of all my suggestions, CS2D is working very well and has developed in a positive way over the six/seven past years I've been active, good job and highest respect! I'm not criticising that, just giving my ideas to improve.
@ saint-: I actually agree with this idea but I think it should not be approved until DC improves the administrating system on dedicated servers since there are some servers that are running the standard game mode but use an admin script because rcon doesn't suit their needs.
I sugest to share other peoples good rules for iptables or good autorestart server when is ddosed , yesterday was dossed alot of servers. Problem is big like problem with mosquitos. Peoples dont wanna talk about this. I know hakers cant dos some servers and i dont know what does is depend...
Not exactly a weapon but... Maybe we could have unarmed combat (just hands/punches). I find it quite illogical how you strip a person and he still has a weapon (knife)
Add possibility with using lua commands to change camera position or possibility to change camera snap to another object.(at this moment camera permanently attached to the player)
Add possibility with using lua commands to change images of rocket,grenades, ... so on.
Add possibility with using lua commands to change light entities position and its parameters
Add possibility with using lua commands to set movement path through formulas (Using tween_ and imagepos with timer commands for movement are cause lags).
Add possibility with using lua commands to set nonstandart player/npc/weapon skins for standart weapon.
Add possibility with using lua commands to turn off player attack animation.
@ GamerNewb: Judging by the lack of detail and explanation of the "suggestion" and the fact that you have described yourself more than the "suggestion", I conclude that you have made that post simply for attention and not to actually share an idea.