If this command is set to 1 then the players can't use the flashlight.

If this command is set to 1 then the players can't use the flashlight.

As mentioned above, I want cs2d to be like cs1.6 too, the buying system. In the original game, elite and .57 is for terrorists and counter-terrorists only. I suggest to separate them.

Idea: What about putting a "Quit" button while you are playing a server to exit directly in the game same as in CS 1.6?
Also, I would like to know if you guys like the concept of running/spraying inaccuracy like in the real CS series.
For example, you are more accurate if you fire 3 rounds at a time while walking than you are if you spray your magazine while running.
This would mean that the damage values and fire rate of all the weapons will undergo a complete overhaul (rifles would do a lot more damage, pistols would have a lot higher fire rate, etc.)
(From left to right) One round, Three-round burst, Full automatic

Forgive the shitty mock-ups, they are just visualizations to help you get the idea.
edited 4×, last 24.04.15 03:32:04 pm
Of course, instead of just randomly adding this, this could be a released test version which would then get criticism from the CS2D competition scene and more dedicated players. I'm pretty sure this would be awesome.
And also, the Famas 3 round burst is unrealistic. Shooting three shots at the same time is pretty "U WOT M8?" unrealistic.

edited 2×, last 24.04.15 03:47:24 pm

When you wear a gas mask, You can see through the fog of war and smoke particles, like in BF2. To add more useful functionality.

Yes, this idea is good, but for a FOG.. i think not .-.
Ohh i have an idea! The grenade throwing function on COD is cool for CS2D. This will be cool for competitive gamesmanship.
edited 1×, last 24.04.15 03:59:50 pm

Ohh i have an idea! The grenade throwing function on COD is cool for CS2D. This will be cool for competitive gamesmanship.
This can be done with Lua scripting.
GamerNewb has written
Add some new guns
DC can probably do that

You didn't read the forbidden things in the thread:
More Weapons

Requesting the script.

This can be done with Lua scripting.
Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!
Deleted UserPress F2, if you have grenade in inv, it will spawn a grenade projectile and remove the grenade from your inventory. Or am I missing something?