Hey all. this is my first thread. i made it cause i get a very strange error/whatever.
When i login normally it logs in but when i open my server and try to login it keep saying 'Trying to login' and when i close the server it still the same, When i restart my router/internet it goes back to normal. What i need here is to play with my account logged in when my server is opend.
I have already tried:
1. Deactivating firewall
2. Allowing all cs2d programs thro firewall
3. Portforwarding 36963 fine
4. restarting CS2D + pc + internet
5. Used the search function
6. Reinstalling CS2D
7. Use no scripts on the server
8. Re-downloaded the server tool
9. Used my brother's account to login and same error
10. disabling all anti-viruses even removed them
11. Waited a whole day till next day
Any other things i should try?
Thanks in advance.
Forgot to say: When i am logged in and open the server it stills shows as green but when i join any server it stucks forever at 'Verifying your usgn' Thingy... Admin/mod comment
This is about a server, right? So why didn't you post it in the server section? Moved! DC Admin
So whenever you join ANY server (also other servers than your own server) while your server is running, you are stuck at the verifying usgn login screen?
And it works when your own server is not running? Well yeah i cant join any server when my server is on. when i close it after it was opened still same error. if i gave it some time or restarted internet/router it goes back normal
PS. sorry for wrong section. i hope i don't do it again...
Oh btw i posted it in general section cause i had servers and login problem. so i was confused <.< edited 1×, last 04.07.12 02:23:08 pm
Avo User
uhm hello? read the title
it says i cant login when my server is on. even in the description it says i cant join any server when my server is on. So how i will join servers when im already in my server?
be smart. im already using a dedicated server. Avo User
There is no information, that server is dedicated.
Maybe you should try to run server from other pc/machine?
Avo has written
There is no information, that server is dedicated.

Maybe you should try to run server from other pc/machine?
Even if it worked. i need it on my pc/laptop cause other pcs in my house are used by my family/others...
any other help? i think... its impossible to solve... well waiting for someone or for something to happen. Till that ill not open the server as before. You should do that just to know whether it's a pc problem or internet problem. ok try to open ur server and when on cs2d it say try to login do not close ur server
stay on ur server and off ur internet and on ur internet and retake cs2d and see
or i will help other style
what is ur server name?
when ur server is on i will join it and u join it but do not loogin
ATTENTION! just when my idea do not work omg User
when u try to connect to ur server, what does it print on the dedicated server console? oh somehow problem fixed 50% of itself, now the only problem is when i join my server its stuck at 'verfing your U.S.G.N. login' thingy.. but i can join other servers when my server is on.
And the console gives me:
recv join attempt... (strange IP)
(my name) clientdata: WIN {28cefe3ac30ab30ab5268978955263db2981888}
U.S.G.N.: ╗.╦nd╨ك@╨.س (Strange IP) joining with U.S.G.N. ID #99047 - verifying..
U.S.G.N.: [Strange IP] is NOT LOGGED IN!
NET: Received incomplete packet (9, strange IP:64531)
With some strange words... weired...
BTW i added (strange IP) for the IP appeard to me and its the first time i see it... DC Admin
Ignore that "NET: Received incomplete packet (9, strange IP:64531)" line.
Is "strange IP" always the same IP in the other lines? Is it the same IP as displayed at http://www.unrealsoftware.de/usgn.php?s=ip?
I assume that one of the IPs is a local one and that the U.S.G.N. fails to translate it to your internet IP (it normally does that). The problem MIGHT be solved if you join your own server by using your internet IP and not the LAN list.
DC has written
Ignore that "NET: Received incomplete packet (9, strange IP:64531)" line.
Is "strange IP" always the same IP in the other lines? Is it the same IP as displayed at
I assume that one of the IPs is a local one and that the U.S.G.N. fails to translate it to your internet IP (it normally does that). The problem MIGHT be solved if you join your own server by using your internet IP and not the LAN list.
Yeah that 'strange IP' always the same ip in other lines, and no not the same ip at http://www.unrealsoftware.de/usgn.php?s=ip
So the soultion will be to un-portforward cs2d port(s)?
ill try that
BTW the whole problem is back. ill try to fix and say what i got.
I un-portforwarded and now i just can login but can't join my own server, stuck at the same message and same error/message in console. And how can i join my server with diffrent IP?
Woh, just noticed that the server ip is same as that strange ip.. i hope that finds a solution <.<
Anyone knows a solution? if lan/offline mode is on i can see my server but when i click on it, it stucks as verfing usgn login. please help its more than 3 (maybe) days already edited 2×, last 07.07.12 08:10:05 pm
DC Admin
Sorry, I have no solution for you. Probably still port forwarding issues or something related. I have no idea.
Note that pushing your thread doesn't help and is not allowed. Well nvm. i just formatted my laptop and reinstalled windows.
Everything is fine now. Thanks for trying to help.
And no. it was not port forwarding problem
And sorry for pushing thread