5 replies Hello everyone, so I have a problem with my server (CO-OP zombie survival). Till now everything was perfect, server worker well, with all lua's and etc.. But today, the server was on-line like 6 hours, and then it turned off, so I turned on it again, but in the dedicated server was writing that UDP socket initialized blah blah blah.. some custom port, but I use my own port written on server.cfg, so I decided to check out if its gonna work if I will run it on the CS2D, but then I start, pick up team, a message appears: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION so what could it mean?! I changed port twice, removed some lua's, but still nothing.. I use name lua, factis 699 controllable turrets lua, Players VS NPC zombies script by Vectar666 and COD damage/health system script by factis699. So if anyone know where's the problem is, please tell me, people wait till server will be on-line

Sorry for bad english.. Okay, now I have another problem
Whole dedicated server spammed by these messages: sys/lua/turret.lua:125: attempt to index field '?' <a nil value> And I believe that started to cause hard lag... What should I do? 
It's right there.
Got any lua scripts? Remove them. FAQ
play of another server
Please use the FAQ. They help a lot, especially with the CS2D servers. Go check it out.