
I think he gets a new IP if he just resets his router, so banning his IP isn't really that effective. Also he still could crash those servers, so it doesn't make sense anyway.
Range ban it...
Also mfw DC acually does care.

Admin/mod comment

Range ban would be unfair. Maybe there are other people around and they would get banned too, and they can't do shit about it.

This isn't 4chan. I would like to post reaction images too, but no, seriously, no.
Range ban would be unfair. Maybe there are other people around and they would get banned too, and they can't do shit about it.
Range ban would be unfair. Maybe there are other people around and they would get banned too, and they can't do shit about it.
So I can't post a reaction image just 'cause you cancer-ridden newfags think that just because you post 'em on 4chan thinking your cool oldfags when really you're a 16-year-old who only knew 4chan existed since 2010.

Get back to 9gag.
Admin/mod comment
Exactly. 1 week tempban for the retarded fun pic. It's a rule violation and you should know it. /DCAdmin/mod comment

And no, I don't go to 9gag. That place is worse than the Unreal Software community.
Are you sure?
Admin/mod comment

[04:40:42] recv join attempt... (
[04:40:42] #Gamer l Cactus clientdata: WIN
[04:40:42] U.S.G.N.: #Gamer l Cactus ( joining with U.S.G.N. ID #92162 - verifying...
[04:40:43] 7 Seconds Left
[04:40:43] U.S.G.N.: is using U.S.G.N. ID #92162
[04:40:43] #Gamer l Cactus connected
[04:40:43] #Gamer l Cactus is using IP and U.S.G.N. ID #92162
and this when server turn off
[04:42:31] #Gamer l Cactus killed Gladieytor with XM1014
[04:42:33] #Gamer l Cactus: im gonna f**k this server
[04:42:45] #Gamer l Cactus killed Gladieytor with XM1014
[04:42:47] #Gamer l Cactus: bam !
[04:42:52] #Gamer l Cactus killed Gladieytor with XM1014
[04:42:54] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[04:52:54] #Gamer l Cactus clientdata: WIN {28cefe3ac30ab30ab5268978955263db2981888}

May I ask what your server is?

Dear Dc : Im cactus and am not hacker or any thing I was saying that I will ***** the server but I will not I just said that because im fighted with @

Please Don't ban I didn't do any thing !
and these information's isn't mine :
IP and U.S.G.N. ID #92162
edited 1×, last 15.06.12 05:06:32 pm
so why gamers crashed my server?


so why gamers crashed my server?
Spamming on other servers to join yours. Yea, don't do that shit. Because some kid out there might (As this is only a guess) hate you for it.
Also I dislike it when you spam servers which I administrate.
Note that I did not crash your server(s), just pointing out to you not to do shit as a kid could retaliate for ex. crashing your "LS zombie plague."

iptables -D INPUT -s -j DROP
service iptables save