Ahmad has written
Cirium: Please show me how to do these iptables.
Also does it make the server laggy or something like that?
IP tables can only be done if you're hosting your own server Well Its designed to hold out again massive amounts of bots (EI: botnet) its not really useful in this case that much. As you were saying before, just the one person was crashing the server. IPTables wouldn't do anything in this case.
DC has written
Do you question the rules? Don't do that
A forum is for discussions but they were just repeating what they already said. So it was just pointless repetition with chat character. See posts like
Well it doesn't, so you are wrong.
for example. Anything proven here? Any point? Nope. Basically pointless spam and repetition? Yes. Clearly no real discussion just a childish fight between two individuals. That's not what we want to see here.
Back to topic please.
I am not questioning the rules. That rule wasn't related to Danny's and Arxi's dispute as their posts were long and weren't just repeating statements, they were proving their point. But okay.
Isn't it just easier to block an IP if it sends too many packets in a short period of time? I don't know much about networking, so if I am wrong, please correct me. Admin/mod comment
Oh, okay, you are obviously right! I'm so sorry. Just saying "it does" and "it doesn't" is a very good proof for everything and a very clever discussion that should go on in exactly that way forever! I'm so sorry for stopping it! /DC @
In the previous posts,
SD explained how to use iptables. No, your server will not be laggy. thanks guys but i must have linux to do that
I think
cpt_kenpachi should do this since its his host. @
palomino: CS2D does automatically do that, however since the attacker has more than 1 IP, they can just alternate spamming and server won't know how to block it properly. @
DC: Look, they didn't just say that, they were trying to prove that. And if they repeated something, it means that they proved a point. I guess it should take place in a separate topic though, yes.
Apache uwu: So why doesn't CS2D block all of those IPs? Or is there a little amount of packets sent from each IP? DC Admin
palomino: They were doing that at the beginning. But read their latest posts about it. They were not proving anything there. Those were stupid posts in the sense of: "I'm right", "no, I'M right"... that's no discussion. It's spam. That's what I'm trying to explain for ages now and I don't understand how you can't see that. OT anyway so please stop discussing it. Stopping them was clearly justified.
CS2D crashes before it is even able to block all involved IPs. Too many messages incoming. @
DC: Yeah, I guess you're right.
I just thought that maybe the server should refuse all connections for 5 minutes if there are too many messages coming and in 5 mins it will automatically resume working.