Gast has written
they dont seem to have any effect!what do they do?
GetHigh: plays the old loop from S1 when your high (after joint or to much vine)
Turtle: Extends the Tortoises to a similar to the Hypsis and Penguins, which means that they lay eggs and grow whenever they are new created
Fire: Every Fireplace or Torch which has the "Action"-State will be fired over night and unfired in the morning.
S1 Like: Hempy and Native get similar trading behaviours like in S1
Arcade: Emulates the Arcade-Mode from S1, which means you don't get hungry, thirsty and tired.
Debug: that's there so others can develop own boxes, since I do the placement in the listing all myself and they don't corrupt their maps to much. This is the only box that really doesn't have any effect. THX 4 the info!
heres a few comic logos
\./ (hand)
hehe laser
watch out,these cookies could be poisoned 

hehe read the spoiler 4 a big surprise how to make the boxes,anyways?????i was thinking to put in a box that lets you make ur own item!!(
really) Laser clan leader has written
how to make the boxes,anyways?????i was thinking to put in a box that lets you make ur own item!!(

Use the debugbox to code the script, and if it works, send it over, including a icon (not actually necessarily, but it would be nice), a color preference, a usable name and any external script file needed, so I can build it into the mod.
Thought, I don't know how you want to implement your box, since you only can implement items with definitions inside the items_*.inf, and not via scripting. oh..
and what does the # symbol do in the files?
they are openable with notepad and wordpad
MW ruins it and...bizzl
in baloontest,how did they tilt the platform like that?
i wanna do it in my new map i cant figure out how
D= =( Laser clan leader has written
and what does the # symbol do in the files?
they are openable with notepad and wordpad
MW ruins it
They mark comments. and sure you can load the inf-files into notepad (wordpad sucks as editor), cause those are simple text file
Laser clan leader has written
in baloontest,how did they tilt the platform like that?
i wanna do it in my new map i cant figure out how
D= =(
They? Am I multiple persons? okay sry.
About the rotations:
Place bridge element on your map, hold the cursor over it so you can read something like "Brückenelement" in those textarea at the bottom of the screen/window. Press [space]. Some lines and balls will appear. The outer balls are for rotation, the center ball for dragging. Works with every object, in every mod. can u program with flexHEX .exe editor? Laser clan leader has written
can u program with flexHEX .exe editor?
??? What does a Hex-editor has to do with Modding S2?
The definitions are all plain text, so you don't need to use a hex-editor.
And I can't code real programs with a hex-editor, I am not such a low-level programmer, sry
bizzl has written
Laser clan leader has written
can u program with flexHEX .exe editor?
??? What does a Hex-editor has to do with Modding S2?
The definitions are all plain text, so you don't need to use a hex-editor.
And I can't code real programs with a hex-editor, I am not such a low-level programmer, sry

i just got a 30-day trial
tts a .EXE editor
HW User
Laser clan leader has written
i just got a 30-day trial
tts a .EXE editor wink
You don't need a hexeditor for modding S2. It should be enough to edit the .inf definition files.
And besides I don't think that you'll be able to mod an executable with a hexeditor since this is really complicated. And even if you would be able, you couldn't do this within 30 days... bizzl has written
Laser clan leader has written
and what does the # symbol do in the files?
they are openable with notepad and wordpad
MW ruins it
They mark comments. and sure you can load the inf-files into notepad (wordpad sucks as editor), cause those are simple text file
Laser clan leader has written
in baloontest,how did they tilt the platform like that?
i wanna do it in my new map i cant figure out how
D= =(
They? Am I multiple persons? okay sry.
About the rotations:
Place bridge element on your map, hold the cursor over it so you can read something like "Brückenelement" in those textarea at the bottom of the screen/window. Press [space]. Some lines and balls will appear. The outer balls are for rotation, the center ball for dragging. Works with every object, in every mod.
thank you!
you helped me make a GREAT map!
its called Stairs to the Stars(it goes up high,really!) Admin/mod comment
Stop quoting large posts please. This makes your posts unnecessarily big. /HW